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New Unlimited Bighorn unit in Montana?

I was told, basically, that the reasoning on lamb restrictions has to do with future ram numbers, i.e kill a lamb and 50/50 you killed a ram lamb. Obviously a moot point here, but the regulations are for sheep and not specific to this unit. Would make sense to me for FWP waive that regulation for this hunt.
I wonder how much this will screw up elk and deer season in that area?

It shouldnt have too much impact on archery hunting, its permit deer and the sheep dont really hang out in the elk country..generally speaking. I'd bet the hoopla will be over and the dust settled before big game opens. Doubt there will be many sheep left by general rifle season.
Looks like it's a go. Can't say I'd want to be anywhere near that clustercuss on September 15.

I had a conversation last weekend with a FWP biologist about this hunt and he is not the least bit concerned about it turning into a shootout, given the terrain and distribution of the sheep.
huh? i have conversations about this hunt with a FWP biogist all the time and opinions vary. If even a small percentage of the people who have shown interest actually show up, I think its going to be a zoo. Theres people down there now scouting.

I spoke with a "gentleman" from out of state the other day who got beligerant and accused me of not telling him where the sheep are "because he knows Im saving the best areas for myself" when I told him that wasnt true and in fact I had no intent of buying a tag he said he didnt believe me and hung up. Some true sportman planing on making an appearance. LOL
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Can you buy a tag P? After getting a ram a few years ago? Just curious. That would be cool if you could.

How big are the biggest rams in the unit? I might buy one....
huh? i have conversations about this hunt with a FWP biogist all the time and opinions vary.

Huh? Obviously opinions vary. I know nothing about the area, that's why I asked him. I guess we will find out. It will be a good learning experience at any rate.
I need to qualify that statement above! I am not insinuating I'd kill the biggest ram in the unit!!! I just like to know what the potential is!!
I've looked for sheep in that unit years ago. I agree with Oak's assessment.
I had a conversation last weekend with a FWP biologist about this hunt and he is not the least bit concerned about it turning into a shootout, given the terrain and distribution of the sheep.
All you guys that are getting worked up over this "hunt", what would you recommend we do? Hire FWP to take them out?

Some guys sure like to whine a lot on this site.
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I agree with a previous statement at least the department is letting the hunters take the sheep versus taking them out themselves. I think it will be lots of people trying to take a sheep tons of pressure. But there is gonna be a few really happy guys that luck upon a nice once in a lifetime ram during this rodeo. You guys should be thanking FWP for this opportunity. Could it have been ran differently yeah prob so, but if that happened there would still be some John crying foul. I won't be joining all the fun but good luck to those who try thier hand.
I can get a tag if I wanted this was my first yr back in the applicant pool, but I dont want to. I thought about shooting a ewe but dont want to get into it. Local fwp bios phone rings constantly with people calling about this from out of the area, forget about the number of people who live here who are going to buy tags.

Potential? Honest answer, the biggest ram ive seen in that unit in 15 yrs might have pushed 170 biggest ive seen in the last 8-10yrs was maybe 165. Theres only a couple mature rams in there now 2 or 3, about the same number of small rams. This unit doesnt produce B&C class rams. Never has

I spend a lot of time in that area for work and play. There are areas you can get away from people if you work at it, but most of it is pretty easily accessed. the North half is pretty well roaded for access. The South half less so but theres way less sheep in the south half which when your talking 30-35 sheep total is relative.

50 sheep hunters will make it seem crowed, 200 will be silly. I could care less if people buy a tag, im honestly not getting one, just trying to give people who dont live here an idea of what they will be getting into. Im sure there will be several happy hunters. Im sure there will be many not so.

I also think this is prob the best solution available i.e have a hunt. It gives hunters a chance at a sheep and saves FWP some cash. Im not a fan of the open market approach to the tags though. But whatever
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I know several guys that have been out there to scout it already. One of them thought he was getting in on something special. Reality set in when I explained how it all works. If it was no strings attached, as in not losing the ability to apply after killing one, I MIGHT go just to check it out. mtmuley
I've looked for sheep in that unit years ago. I agree with Oak's assessment.

All you guys that are getting worked up over this "hunt", what would you recommend we do? Hire FWP to take them out?

Some guys sure like to whine a lot on this site.

Not sure about the whining. Seeing a piss poor approach should get people grumbling which can lead to suggestions...if F&G was seeking input which THEY ARE NOT.

IF F&G had sought public input, my suggestion is this hunt be set up similar to how some states manage damage control hunts in (NM and AZ, perhaps) where a hunter can opt to enroll for consideration to be called and if F&G needs another hunter then they call the next person on the random-generated order lists (one for residents, one for nonresidents) and the hunter can say "yes" and buy the tag or F&G will go to the next name on the list.

This approach creates a fairness in who gets into the hunt area, the total number of active hunters is controlled, and no risk of a land rush stampede where time-pressure to shoot something is in each hunter's mind with the vast majority of tag holders ending up very disappointed with an unpunched tag.

I have hunted whitetail on small farms or public land where is not unusual for two different hunters to shoot the same buck if the buck runs more than 100 yards before tipping over. Who gets the animal? First blood? The more lethal shot placement? Who hit the animal if 3 people shot within seconds of each other and 2 missed? Stupid to intentionally create the potential for armed men with flared tempers to be standing over the same animal.
IF F&G had sought public input, .

Go back and read posts #14 and #19. FWP received almost no comments, and the ones they got were mostly supportive. I'm fairly certain more people expressed concern in this thread than to FWP during the comment period.
Go back and read posts #14 and #19. FWP received almost no comments, and the ones they got were mostly supportive. I'm fairly certain more people expressed concern in this thread than to FWP during the comment period.

I guess I need to get on the distribution lists for every state's F&G to get these alerts. If they only had my email as someone who has applied and hunted in their state. Oh, that is right. They do. No email sent.

Well, I am sure they sent out Tweets and mentioned this on their Facebook page. F&G went to the top 10 hunting forums and posted the alert requesting input, right? No postage required. A few keystrokes and bam, 1000s of emails zip out to hunters seeking input on the sheep issue.

Sure, some of us are ignorant, lazy types that purposely go through life waiting for chances to bitch rather than get involved. Might be a few folks though if F&G aggressively sought the input.

I think is safe to say F&G in this particular instance was a mighty deep well where you have to walk up to the well, peer down and lower the bucket to gather alerts rather than a bubbling spring where alerts flow in all directions.

My experience with governmental organizations are that hurdles are put in place during "public outreach" opportunities. Things like posting the notice on a secondary page on the general F&G website a few days before the meeting ensuring that most people would never see the notice. Another hurdle is requiring people to travel to a distant town on a work day during work hours to comment.

As for predicting the future, does that F&G official really believe there will not be a single instance as the sun rises on opening day where 2 or more archers feel they alone should continue the stalk to "their" ram and the other archers had better not screw this up for them? If 100 people buy that archery tag then that means about 10-15 on average will be after one of the six or so 2-6 year old rams rumored to be in the hunt zone. If even 10 of those archers are decent hunters in shape and did some scouting then very high odds there will be conflict as the sun rises. I hope not since our hobby is one where none of us should spend our time punching each other or having a weapon used in anger.
I guess I need to get on the distribution lists for every state's F&G to get these alerts. If they only had my email as someone who has applied and hunted in their state. Oh, that is right. They do. No email sent.

Well, I am sure they sent out Tweets and mentioned this on their Facebook page. F&G went to the top 10 hunting forums and posted the alert requesting input, right? No postage required. A few keystrokes and bam, 1000s of emails zip out to hunters seeking input on the sheep issue.

Sure, some of us are ignorant, lazy types that purposely go through life waiting for chances to bitch rather than get involved. Might be a few folks though if F&G aggressively sought the input.

I think is safe to say F&G in this particular instance was a mighty deep well where you have to walk up to the well, peer down and lower the bucket to gather alerts rather than a bubbling spring where alerts flow in all directions.

My experience with governmental organizations are that hurdles are put in place during "public outreach" opportunities. Things like posting the notice on a secondary page on the general F&G website a few days before the meeting ensuring that most people would never see the notice. Another hurdle is requiring people to travel to a distant town on a work day during work hours to comment.

As for predicting the future, does that F&G official really believe there will not be a single instance as the sun rises on opening day where 2 or more archers feel they alone should continue the stalk to "their" ram and the other archers had better not screw this up for them? If 100 people buy that archery tag then that means about 10-15 on average will be after one of the six or so 2-6 year old rams rumored to be in the hunt zone. If even 10 of those archers are decent hunters in shape and did some scouting then very high odds there will be conflict as the sun rises. I hope not since our hobby is one where none of us should spend our time punching each other or having a weapon used in anger.

FWP has managed to do unlimited sheep hunts for many years in other areas. I'm not sure why this concept now has so many panties bunched up.

I personally know the biologist for this area. He is one of the most common sense, level headed guys, that loves to hunt, that you will ever meet. I'm sure he would have welcomed your comments had you sent them in during the public comment period.
As for predicting the future, does that F&G official really believe there will not be a single instance as the sun rises on opening day where 2 or more archers feel they alone should continue the stalk to "their" ram and the other archers had better not screw this up for them? If 100 people buy that archery tag then that means about 10-15 on average will be after one of the six or so 2-6 year old rams rumored to be in the hunt zone. If even 10 of those archers are decent hunters in shape and did some scouting then very high odds there will be conflict as the sun rises. I hope not since our hobby is one where none of us should spend our time punching each other or having a weapon used in anger.

FWP is attempting to use hunters to depopulate the herd. Anyone buying a tag should be aware of this. An anti-hunter could not make a better case of why hunters should not be used to manage wildlife populations, than in the crap layed out in this quote above.
It's kind of like being called on the damage hunt roster and expecting to have the place all to yourself. I doubt this hunt will rise to the level of stupidity seen on a Gardiner late elk hunt.

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