
New Unlimited Bighorn unit in Montana?

Looks like it's a go. Can't say I'd want to be anywhere near that clustercuss on September 15.

BILLINGS — Montana officials want to use an aggressive public hunting campaign to kill off a diseased herd of 30-40 bighorn sheep in the Tendoy Mountains southeast of Dillon.

State wildlife commissioners on Thursday gave preliminary approval to a plan to remove the Tendoy herd beginning this fall and restock the area with about 50 healthy wild sheep.

Over-the-counter hunting licenses would cost $125 for residents and $750 for non-residents.

If hunters do not kill all the sheep, state officials said they would be removed by aerial gunning and other means.

Bighorn sheep in the Tendoy Mountains experienced major die-offs due to pneumonia in 1993 and 1995. Officials say the population was augmented three times but still struggled to rebound, likely because some surviving sheep were carriers of bacteria that causes pneumonia.
We were discussing this in the office. I have work to do up in that country and since it is so close I was saving it for later. I guess now I'll be hitting it a little earlier to save from being shot.
I'm probably going to hunt down there. I've hunted in Colorado so I understand about hunting pressure.
I can't imagine it is going to be the bullet-flying free for all some are worried about, unless this an extremely easy access area. But I could be wrong! I will be very interested to see how it works out.
I ran into about 10 of the Tendoy here yesterday. Most were ewes and 1 young ram. They had 3 little lambs with them. Most looked to be in good condition except was skinny, losing hair and was breathing pretty hard for just walking.
Since nobody else posted, there are some updates I've seen.

First a decision notice has been published. It has all the comments and responses in it and makes an interesting read. Only 13 people submitted comments - scary how these big decisions are made on so little input!

Second, a story from the Butte newspaper, they are seeking comments on offering licenses:

On June 11, the Fish and Wildlife Commission put out for public comment the proposal to sell licenses to accomplish the depopulation and is taking public comment until 5 p.m. on Thursday, July 2. The Commission will make a final decision in July and, if adopted, licenses would be offered in early August.
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theres been A LOT of interest in this. I wouldnt be surprised if they sell 200 or more tags for this....almost 10 people per live sheep. Should be quite a hunt. LOL

Heres something I didnt know. If you shoot a lamb, you have to wait 7 yrs befor applying again, same as if you shoot a ram.
I know someone who's planning on giving it a try. Be interesting to get his take on it once it's over.
Phutch - Good point to bring up. I wonder how many people will pay attention to details?

That says limited though. You can hunt an Unlimited unit and then apply for a limited the next year.

Are you positive that's true Phutch? They're going to have a hard time getting guys to kill ewes and lambs if that's the case.

Edit to add- page 11 of this only mentions legal rams being subject to the wait-
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Thanks for pointing that out Randy...I guess I should either A) slow down and read it correctly -or- B) learn to read :) LOL

This is all I could find regarding unlimited & wait periods (unless I missed something again)...


  • Unlimitd Sheep reg.jpg
    Unlimitd Sheep reg.jpg
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If the waiting period is only if harvest a ram then will be interesting. What if are two sheep left and one is a very young ram and the other is a ewe? I would think the young ram gets a pass since the hunter would then face sitting out of ram sheep draws for 7 years. Perhaps some hunters feel this is their last sheep tag in any event due to age or health. Will be a lot of tag soup on this hunt if tags are sold in a land rush rather than to reflect sheep in the unit.
FWP must've been reading this thread, I just got this in an email-

July 13, 2015
Commission Approves Hunting License Sales for Tendoy Bighorn Sheep

Last Thursday, Montana’s Fish & Wildlife Commission approved the sale of over-the-counter bighorn sheep hunting licenses for the Tendoy Mountains as part of an effort to depopulate a chronically diseased herd.

The either-sex bighorn licenses – valid for hunting district 315 (Tendoy Mtns) – will be available for purchase for a two week period beginning August 3. The licenses will cost $125 for residents and $750 for nonresidents. The archery-only season will run from September 5 through September 14, while the general season will run September 15 through November 29. The goal of the hunt is to remove the entire population of bighorn sheep, which has struggled with disease issues since 1993. Once this removal is complete, a new disease-free group of sheep will be transplanted into the area.

Hunters interested in purchasing a bighorn sheep license for the Tendoys should note the following:

Hunters successfully harvesting a ram or lamb (of either sex) as part of this hunt will have to wait seven years before applying for another bighorn license;

Hunters that have harvested a ram in the previous six years cannot take a ram or lamb in this hunt;

Harvested rams must be brought to FWP to be checked (rams of ½-curl or larger will receive an identifying plug by FWP in one of the horns);

All hunters harvesting any sheep in this district must call the Harvest Reporting Line at 1-877-FWP-WILD (877-397-9453) within 48 hours of the kill;

FWP will contact license holders and request their help in collecting biological samples from harvested bighorns to assess herd health;

Hunting District 315 boundaries were shrunk in 2015 and no longer include the Beaverhead Mountains south of Pass Creek;

There may be high concentrations of hunters in this area especially around season opening and closing dates.
FWP Area Biologist Craig Fager estimates the Tendoy herd at approximately 30 to 40 sheep with approximately four to six adult rams.

“There has been significant interest in this hunting opportunity both from residents and nonresidents,” said Fager. “We anticipate the majority of bighorns will be harvested pretty quickly; however, this is a new form of sheep management in Montana and there is a chance that some sheep will survive into October and November. Hunters should recognize that opportunity will diminish as the fall progresses. I encourage individuals that are interested in this unique opportunity to assess their own ability to scout the area prior to the season.”

Bighorn sheep in the Tendoys have experienced two pneumonia die-offs in the last 25 years. The population has been augmented three times since 1997, but the population has not rebounded because disease is likely being carried by some of the surviving sheep.

Fager confirms it make take up to two years to remove all the members of the current Tendoy bighorn sheep herd. Any not taken by hunters will be removed by FWP. Once depopulation is complete, about 50 bighorns from healthy populations will used to restock the area.

The lamb only thing is very weird. Why would they want to penalize people for killing a lamb?

Also, this is the first I've seen of an archery season. That will possibly dispel the safety issues. I can also imagine a ran running around with arrows sticking out of his ass.

What a goat rope.
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it seems counter productive to require a waiting period for successful lamb killers, I know I wouldn't be taking a lamb for $125. Aren't there some areas with pretty goods odds for a ewe tag anyway minus the BS?
It should definitely throw things off a good bit. But, could work out well for some if you can figure out what areas the deer & elk might get pushed to during high pressure "chaos"; once the hordes of heavily armed battalions move in on the area....
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