Kenetrek Boots

New to Muzzleloader

You need to always have 2 friends with you when you shoot them suckers - 1 to see what you hit and the other one to fight the newly lit fire.
Google what it takes to run Blackhorn 209 in it. Most require a different breach plug. Weigh each charge and do not measure by volume which is how most all loads are published. Use actual shotgun 209 primers. Muzzleloader marketed ones are lower power and don’t alway ignite the main charge without a delay. Hornady .452 Pistol bullets work well, the FTX and XTP Mag. Both come in 50count quantity, much cheaper than muzzleloader specific bullets. Then just order the .452 to 50cal jackets and you are G2G.

I’ve killed a pile of deer that way and the XTP‘S are nothing more than impressing when you watch the deer flop over from the impact.

It is my preferred method of take here in MI.

I have some I can send you if you cover the shipping. I have way more than I will ever need.
That's a great rifle Ken! I 2nd the blackhorn powder and measuring by volume. FWIW I've had extremely good luck with hornady sst sabots. Stupid accurate and performance on deer has been outstanding.
I like the pistol bullet modification. Thats cool.
I have never been a fan of SST bullets except in my Encore BP. I think the slower velocity makes them peform better.

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