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Stephen A

New member
Jul 30, 2021
NW Georgia
Good Morning,

I just got into hunting less than 2 years ago at age 30 and from the outside looking in I thought learning the ropes wouldn't be very difficult.. I learned very quickly being a successful hunter takes so much more than I thought, any recommendations on material that will help a very green hunter.. I know all hunters aren't like this, but when I went to my local bow shop the owner kind of acted like he was mad that I was getting into hunting so I have been hesitant to pick other hunters minds. I have hunted whitetail deer in Alabama and Georgia so far, and I am lucky enough to have a family member with property but there is a good amount of public land minutes from my house that I want to hunt. The thought of hunting public lands scares the heck out of me, I want to make sure I respect other hunters and the hunting culture as a whole. With that being said I will not hunt public lands until I feel comfortable enough, so any information on tips will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
Good Morning,

I just got into hunting less than 2 years ago at age 30 and from the outside looking in I thought learning the ropes wouldn't be very difficult.. I learned very quickly being a successful hunter takes so much more than I thought, any recommendations on material that will help a very green hunter.. I know all hunters aren't like this, but when I went to my local bow shop the owner kind of acted like he was mad that I was getting into hunting so I have been hesitant to pick other hunters minds. I have hunted whitetail deer in Alabama and Georgia so far, and I am lucky enough to have a family member with property but there is a good amount of public land minutes from my house that I want to hunt. The thought of hunting public lands scares the heck out of me, I want to make sure I respect other hunters and the hunting culture as a whole. With that being said I will not hunt public lands until I feel comfortable enough, so any information on tips will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
Just dig into threads on this forum. Read, heed, and you'll succeed!
Welcome Straight Arrow! There's certainly more information out there now that's accessible than when I first started 20 years ago, and you're already looking in the right places.

I'd suggest joining a local conservation organization in your area (like BHA, NWTF, RMEF) and get meeting other folks who share your interests and ethos. No better way to gain experience than good mentorship and time in the field!

Also, that concern about respecting other hunters and hunting cultures to me says that you're already thinking about hunting as part of a wider whole, and a community. Just remember that that public land is your land too, and you've got as much right as anyone else to be out there exploring it, making mistakes, finding success, and looking after it, as much as any of the rest of us.

Making mistakes is the fastest way, but the hardest.
Learn from them and proceed ahead at full steam.
Even the best hunters learn new tricks every time afield.
Welcome to the forum! 💥
Are you looking to do Western hunting on public lands, or whitetail hunting on public lands in the Southeast. That'll be an important distinction in how you'll go about scouting and hunting. There will be a lot of similarities but a lot of differences too.
Welcome from CA! I've been in your same boat and have learned a lot of my hunting knowledge from HT and resources for learning more from fellow HT's. Dig in and share your progress also!
If you're in the southeast, I'd suggest checking out The Hunting Public and Catman Outdoors on YouTube (Catman might be a little better). They do a boatload of public land whitetail, especially archery.

Past that, joining some kind of local conservation organization to network and pick people's brains might be useful.

The learning curve is steep, but man is it worth it. Good luck!

Oh, and maybe try another bow shop...

It is your public land so feel free to go out there and enjoy it. Go fishing, bring some binoculars and a camera and experience the land and see all the living things there. Once you are comfortable being in that space, buying a hunting license and bringing a weapon along does not feel out of the ordinary. I’ve probably spent 15,000 hours on public land in my lifetime for recreation, with just a fraction of that being hunting.

It is your public land so feel free to go out there and enjoy it. Go fishing, bring some binoculars and a camera and experience the land and see all the living things there. Once you are comfortable being in that space, buying a hunting license and bringing a weapon along does not feel out of the ordinary. I’ve probably spent 15,000 hours on public land in my lifetime for recreation, with just a fraction of that being hunting.
A camera is a must, also maybe a daily journal.
I had an uncle, that has passed, that logged down
every fish he caught the time of day and the weather that day. 💥 💥
Good Morning,

I just got into hunting less than 2 years ago at age 30 and from the outside looking in I thought learning the ropes wouldn't be very difficult.. I learned very quickly being a successful hunter takes so much more than I thought, any recommendations on material that will help a very green hunter.. I know all hunters aren't like this, but when I went to my local bow shop the owner kind of acted like he was mad that I was getting into hunting so I have been hesitant to pick other hunters minds. I have hunted whitetail deer in Alabama and Georgia so far, and I am lucky enough to have a family member with property but there is a good amount of public land minutes from my house that I want to hunt. The thought of hunting public lands scares the heck out of me, I want to make sure I respect other hunters and the hunting culture as a whole. With that being said I will not hunt public lands until I feel comfortable enough, so any information on tips will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
List the public land you’re interested in. I’ll look at some maps and see where I would try to hunt it. If I was in Alabama, I’d spend some time in the Bankhead NF.
If you are looking to hunt out west then check out Fresh Tracks. That was the basis of my research in preparation for my first elk hunt a couple years ago.
I agree with R.K. watch The Hunting Public and Catman Outdoors. its a grwat way to get the information you need if you have no one to help you out.

Like everyone said, it's your land too. Just realize that not everyone is going to respect it the way you mentioned.

Also, if I were you, I would try to get a close friend or significant other involve to learn together.

Good luck and I'm glad you have picked up Hunting
Good Morning,

...I know all hunters aren't like this, but when I went to my local bow shop the owner kind of acted like he was mad that I was getting into hunting....
I had a similar experience at a boomer gun shop when I started, like me and my thousands of dollars were wasting his time. In short - eff those guys. They're a dime a dozen and they're aren't nearly as smart as they think they are.
Good Morning,

I just got into hunting less than 2 years ago at age 30 and from the outside looking in I thought learning the ropes wouldn't be very difficult.. I learned very quickly being a successful hunter takes so much more than I thought, any recommendations on material that will help a very green hunter.. I know all hunters aren't like this, but when I went to my local bow shop the owner kind of acted like he was mad that I was getting into hunting so I have been hesitant to pick other hunters minds. I have hunted whitetail deer in Alabama and Georgia so far, and I am lucky enough to have a family member with property but there is a good amount of public land minutes from my house that I want to hunt. The thought of hunting public lands scares the heck out of me, I want to make sure I respect other hunters and the hunting culture as a whole. With that being said I will not hunt public lands until I feel comfortable enough, so any information on tips will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
Watch you tube hunting vids. These hunters will share more tips than you can digest. Randy Newberg is a great start. You will learn vast amounts of do's and dont in real life hunts.
Good luck!
Hunt Hard!
The Ghillieman

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