New or used InReach?

I could care less about the GPS functionality of it. I might actually look closer at the Mini tonight.
Pretty sure the Mini is what I’m going to replace my Spot with, after a lot of research.
New, mini is the bomb but a little tempermental bluetoothing if its cold (which might be my phone as well)
i'm interested to know what InReach plan everyone is using? yearly or freedom and then which plan under that? looking at Mini for this season as well. thnx
I went with the yearly low end plan. You can customize your 3 pre-set messages to say whatever you want. They're unlimited so if I use it the way I'm thinking I will, I shouldn't need to send customized messages very often.
I went with the yearly low end plan. You can customize your 3 pre-set messages to say whatever you want. They're unlimited so if I use it the way I'm thinking I will, I shouldn't need to send customized messages very often.

I think you can change your plan for certain times of the year when you might use the customized messages more. But, I agree to just check in the pre-sets are the way to go. I tried the weather forcast function and that's a pretty good deal as well, in particular on a longer back pack type hunt.

Been playing with the 66i gps/inreach the last couple months, pretty nice from what I've seen so far.
Quick question, are there models of these Garmins that will accept an OnX chip and can do satellite communication?
Quick question, are there models of these Garmins that will accept an OnX chip and can do satellite communication?

66i will, if I'm understanding your question. Its an inreach, gps all in one unit and also can accept the onX chips as well.
looking at GARMIN plans, only thing that is left OUT on the basic plan that i think i'd like is the *(that is if i understand their function correctly):
Send/Track points - so wife at home can track my progress.
Location Requests
Quick question, are there models of these Garmins that will accept an OnX chip and can do satellite communication?

The 66i will accept the newer OnX chips. However, if you have an older chip, it likely will not work. When I was researching, there have been some compatibility issues between chips. I have a new chip and took my chip from my old 64s and put it in the 66i and it worked perfectly.
I got a used one off eBay for $36 that had a locked IMEI due to lack of payment. I called Garmin and gave them my info and explained I was the new owner and they unlocked the account. It works great. So my vote is used as long as it can be had dirt cheap.
Found a year old Garmin InReach SE+ local for $225. I can buy a new one from Costco for $289 plus tax, so about $315 total.

I don’t know much about these. I would assume a good used one has a lot of life left in it?

So, new or used?

I don't know much about them either but, my wife says thank you. BTW, with the cash back thing from costco, it makes it hard to buy stuff like this elsewhere.
I have an in reach se that I am thinking of upgrading to a 66I, I wouldnt be afraid of buying that SE for 200. And quite frankly 200 with the selling paying shipping is fair price for both parties. In fact that what I was going to ask for mine.
Been running the mini for a few years now. Really like how small and light it is. Would recommend it over the full size gps.
Have ditched the gps and just using the onx on my phone along with paper map. Already Using the phone for pictures so if i can use it for navigation as well and shave some weight
I'm all for it.
I just ordered a Mini from REI for $299.
I was just reading some quirks with the messaging on the mini over on another forum, I can shoot you a link to it if you'd like. Basically that the mini checks for messages once every hour, unless you've sent a message then it will check for a reply 10 minutes afterward, then once every hour. They didn't think there was a way to change the push settings.
I would say new! Many people have noted the warranty benefit but also when it comes to devices that are designed to save you life in a dire situation, I prefer something new rather than the unknown state of buying a used device. I have a mini and have loved it so far!
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