New muzzleloader


New member
Jun 28, 2017
Durango, CO
My buddy and I have decided to try our hand at muzzleloader hunting elk in CO this year as a change from rifle hunting. We are both novice at using muzzleloaders. I have used them a few times shooting friends and grew up around flintlocks in PA as a kid but have forgot a lot. I can hunt elk up close just a little nervous using a new weapon system. Any tips my buddy and I should rely on?

I can untied all day but would also like to get options and opinions to compare. Thanks guys.
I guess my biggest piece of advice is range time. I believe CO has unique restrictions so make sure you’re abreast of those. I’m not exactly familiar with what they are. Most inlines (if they’re allowed there??) are pretty user friendly. Just gotta but the range and figure out what load combo yours will like.
Get an inline that uses a 209 primer. Blackhorn 209 powder and Thor bullets. In Colorado you can't use sabots, scopes, or powder in pellet form. Head to the range and practice.
Of course, you could always opt for something more traditional and not give up anything - including good looks.

Personally, I like underhammers for simplicity and reliability (often only 2 or 3 moving parts) and Americana.

Just sayin' :)
For a Colorado friendly rifle with no scope I highly recommend Truglo ghost ring sights. I'm been shooting a muzzy since I was a kid and they greatly improved my groups. I usually foul my barrel before my first shot after cleaning it as well. I've had good luck with 100 grains of Triple 7 and a 295 grain copper plated powerbelt. But, I wouldn't shoot an elk with one. I changed back to the maxiballs I shoot in my percussion rifle. They are accurate and pack a punch. I'm going to get a bullet mold and start making my own.
I use a tc bonecollector 50 cal open sights with 110gn almost black mz and 240gn hornady XTP magnums. Dropped everything I've shot on the spot so far.

Cush, you and I need to get together. The Army is moving me Idaho but I find CO a great place to hunt. I want to try something new. I am having trouble with my shoulder injury and neck surgery. I can still shoot rifles well. I am looking to get into the rut some how.

You are always knowledgeable. I hope one day I can have you in my camp. We. An swap story and talk Army days. I continue to find my camp is becoming military and former military members. You are always welcome in my camp.
I am aware of the restrictions. Just trying not to blow myself up. I was just sitting here thinking I need to get my muzzleloader and hit the range and shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. Thanks.
That’s the thing that concerns me. Is the combination, poewwder bullets patches. I’m sure I can research more. Would like to know more. I’m more of a hands on learner. I guess I need to find someone to SHOW me the ropes. Thanks for the input.
Like John said, ghost ring/ peep sights will help tremendously. I prefer to shoot with a peep sight rather than a ghost ring. I feel they are easier to shoot accurately.

I have heard tons of great feedback about Thor bullets, you can get a sample pack from them to see what size bullet shoots best for you.

Also as mentioned PRACTICE! I was at the range every single weekend last year from the end of May all the way up to the 2nd week of October in preparation for my elk hunt. I made a full size elk target to practice on and I think that was a major contribution to me harvesting.

Mz hunting offers unique challenges and you will be hooked after your first hunt. Ask all the questions you like, we're here to help!
Great advice. Thanks. I am an Army recruiter in Southern Colorado. My fellow recruiter and I decided we wanted to try our hand at hunting elk this year with a muzzleloader. I’m sure it’s not as complicated as my brain is making it. The Army has made me an over planner. Other than practice, is there anything that we should consider taking extra when we head in for our hunt?
I get it. I spent just shy of 6yrs in the Army.
I like to keep 3 reloads ready in speedloaders where I can get to them quickly. Also about a dozen primers in a little silicone holder-sorry don't know what it's really called. I also keep a few more reloads in a vacuum sealed bag in case something horrible has happened and my powder got wet.

Also after I get sighted in, I take a scribe and mark my rear sight. I have known 2 people that have either hit their sight or had it come apart. Talk about a buzzkill huh?
This so is why I enjoy this forum. Everyone is so helpfu. I’m sure I will have more questions after I purchase my muzzleloader. Thanks for the input.
I was in your same position last year. My gun will shoot sub MOA with open sights. I'm not sure what your budget is but here is the details I put together on rokslide forum.

**Update for those ordering look at midway usa and the Colorado version ($912-$935), it should have the front sight, holes drilled for mounting scope bases and it comes with the Red Plastic Jacket primer ignition system. Would have saved me order the RPJ conversion kit.

One Time Costs
Knight Ultra-Lite from Sportsman - $900
RPJ Conversion Kit from Knight - $120

Front Sight
Marble Arms Front Ramp (Mfr Part: 072310) - $12
Lyman Front Sight (Mfr Part: 3171076)- $40
Lee Shaver Sight Inserts (Mfr Part: LS001)- $22

Rear Sight
**DO NOT BUY** Warne Bases (Mfr Part: M826826M) - $27 ***Not tall enough with front sight height, Do NOT BUY
Leupold 2_Piece Rifleman LK 93 (Leupold #: 56503) - Work Perfectly
NECG Rear Sight (Mfr Part: N106) - $90

SpinJag Bullet Starter - $29
Ramrod - $20
SpinJag .50 Cal - $25

Powder Funnel - $10
BH209 Speed Loaders - $8
Powder Measuring tool - $10

BH209 - $37
Primers - $20
BH 209 Solvent - $15

Hornady FPB (15 Pack) - $15
Thor Starter Kit - .502 worked for me (15 Pack) - $28

One Time Costs Total - $1313
Maintenance Costs - $115
I did it. Ordered my muzzleloader tonight. Traditions Pursuit G4 Ultralight(NW). I will be ready for Idaho next year. Thanks fo all the insite. Cush will message this week.

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