Caribou Gear

New Mexico Unit 51 Archery - First Time Hunter

My guess is that people saying that are hunting earlier in the season and or very familiar with the patterns of what the elk do during the season and go to the "right" spots and see them everywhere. The fact is that I was seeing them pretty much everywhere that you would expect to see elk earlier in the season, but I'll bet that once you get into rifle seasons they dig into much more difficult terrain, etc. At this point You'll probably have to work waaaay harder than you expected to find what you're looking for. What part of the unit are you in and what has been your approach thus far?
Yeah that’s what I’m thinking. I’m in the west side of 51 and tried this side and also tried up near hopewell lake. Tried staying by water holes and staying above 9000ft but no luck yet. The weather is supposed to drop and rain tomorrow so hopefully that’ll help🤷🏻‍♀️
Don't be afraid to go lower. Look for tracks and fresh droppings, etc. Yes, water is key, but if you're high and there is a lot of it then that will make it tough.
Hi everyone,

I'm a first time elk hunter in New Mexico Unit 51, north of El Rito and west of Tres Piedras. I just drew a Sep 1-14 bow tag and was wondering if anyone had some pointers they would be willing to share about the area. I've done some e-scouting and intend to scout numerous times over the summer-fall time frame, but was wondering if anyone would be willing to share general information about where I should start, historically observed hunt pressure dynamics, etc. I'd appreciate any information you can offer! I'd love to bring a fresh backstrap to my friends wedding happening at the end of my hunt. Thanks in advance!

If you ever check back I’d love to know how you did!
I drew this tag for the 2nd season archery this year! I’ve never hunted outside my home state of Idaho before. My buddy put me in as a surprise and we drew!
Anyhow, hope you had a great adventure!


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