Caribou Gear

New Mexico unit 51 setting my goal too high?

To note - I’ve been on all of the rifle hunts (as a guest, all my personal hunts in 51 were archery) and bulls were still talking each hunt.

If you are first hunt you could possibly have a wild, wild hunt.
When we are up there bear hunting after the archery hunts, bulls are absolutely ripping the bugles off.
When we are up there bear hunting after the archery hunts, bulls are absolutely ripping the bugles off.
How late into October do they usually bugle down there? I’m used to high pressure, zero point, co units where hearing a bugle can be like seeing a unicorn.
How late into October do they usually bugle down there? I’m used to high pressure, zero point, co units where hearing a bugle can be like seeing a unicorn.
As far as how late idk forsure. We usually go bear hunt thru Sept 25th-Oct 13thish area. And they are bugling that whole time. But be slowing down a lil towards the end of that time period but definitely still hearing them
100% this ^

No shortage of elk in the unit.
I’ve hunted second season there a few times and that’s typically where you’re seeing some of the better bulls moving around.

“Off the beaten path” is relative out there because there are so many roads in that unit. Just don’t overthink it and think you need to get super far away from the road.

Lots of weekend warriors in that unit. So any easy areas to access will probably have more traffic on the weekends.

Same goes for water. Most tanks that are easy to access will have lots of people showing up on ATVs to sit.

I know you’ve hunted elk a few times now and have had success, but as a fellow whitetail hunter I’m going to give you some advice that you didn’t ask for.

Don’t let your whitetail tactics throttle your elk tactics.

Be aggressive.
There are plenty of elk out there to test your abilities and master the craft.

Have fun and be safe.

Final pro tip - don’t talk to the guides. Find a rancher in an old pick up and make a friend. They know the units like the back of their hands and can help tell you where elk are.
Thank you for the information much appreciated! I agree with the aggressiveness. Thats exactly how we got it done last year. Dropped packs and leap frogged up the mountain with my buddy cow calling behind me. I will update. Y’all are awesome.
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