New Mexico Unit 45- Rifle Season


New member
Apr 20, 2019
Totally new to this forum. I drew a New Mexico Unit 45 tag for Mule Deer October 26-30 rifle Season. I'm from Texas and have never hunted out of state. I am accustomed to Backpacking and camping out, just not hunting like that. Didn't think I would get drawn but definitely glad that I did, My wife not so happy, but that's besides the point. Looking for tips and tricks to have a successful hunt. Never been in the area so I don't know what to expect. I'm going to try to plan a scouting trip later in the year when it gets closer. I'm Not sure where to start. My gameplan was going to be Iron Gate Trailhead and start walking. now that's only a rough gameplan as of now. I plan to hone it down in the upcoming months. Any advice and help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
If I were you I'd get the onx map subscription. It helps scouting no doubt. You can use Google earth pro instead, but I think onx had features that Google doesn't and it makes a difference. I personally use both, I use Google to view what the land actually looks like from first person perspective since it will render terrain from the image.

Sorry can't help beyond that, never hunted New Mexico
I have been up there. Elk & deer hunting.
Saw the most deer above the canyon walls in the oaks & aspen. Below the grass ridges where the elk feed.
I have stayed at a small ranch above Cowles & in one of the campgrounds near the upper Pecos canyon. Backpacked back in from IronGate around Hamilton mesa too.
Wound up finding most critters where everyone goes by......heading way in.
Here's a tip.
Take your wife this summer to Santa Fe ,stay at a decent place & eat some good food & go explore the worked for me. We did that for 20 yrs. Picnics on day trips on the Pecos. The stay in SF would always cost 3x the
That was '93 & I wound up living in NM ...alone w/Rio............LOL Get to hunt any day now.
I will second Hank on the food for sure. Sunrise Cafe has the best green chile stew!

I hunted in 45 back in 2015 during the 1st muzzleloader hunt for elk ( Oct 10-14). We hiked in from Jack's Creek trailhead and made camp about 5 miles in on the north side of Round Mountain. My bull dropped about 7 miles from the truck, dang near at Baldy Lake.

Don't have any good intel on the deer. We didn't see any during our 4 days in. There are a lot of nice burns east of Round Mountain I would look at too.
I have hunted 45 for the last two years. I've been very lucky drawing. Its a marginal unit with mtns that will kick your ass, so most folks avoid it and go for more quality units.

There are some really nice local NM guys on this forum which helped me out, hopefully they will chime in. I don't want to give their secrets away and respect their local resource, but during my deer hunt two years ago I finally figured out that the closer to Santa Fe you get, the more deer you will see down low. Also, the more recreational hikers as well. Get off trail and you won't have to deal with them.
As for what Hank said above, pretty spot on. I was able to see a few bucks just below tree line early in 2nd rifle hunt. I like everything west of the Pecos towards Santa Fe. But, the most deer were really low (private land) and the elk were high.
Important to note is NO snow all the way to the top during the 2017 hunt.

Last year, 2nd rifle. Snow on the ground to begin the season. All the deer had bailed low. Elk were definitely high. Then the remnants of some damn hurricane hit NM and dumped 12-18" of snow up high. 2-4" of rain down low. It sucked to hunt in. Not a deer left above 7500". Luckily I was successful NE of Santa Fe.

For the elk hunters out there: Saw a few elk both years. No bulls over 5 point. Its a meat unit where i ended up. Heard the "real" bulls are out of Iron Gate, but can't confirm that.
Howdy Badger-

I live in Santa Fe and know the Pecos pretty well. BrokenArrow is right about the weather; it will determine where you hunt. I was in 45 last year when the storm he wrote about hit, but i disagree that all the deer headed low. Let me know when you head out here to scout, i can suggest a few places to spend some time in.

Also, what kind of truck do you have? Because that will also determine where you hunt.
Howdy Badger-

I live in Santa Fe and know the Pecos pretty well. BrokenArrow is right about the weather; it will determine where you hunt. I was in 45 last year when the storm he wrote about hit, but i disagree that all the deer headed low. Let me know when you head out here to scout, i can suggest a few places to spend some time in.

Also, what kind of truck do you have? Because that will also determine where you hunt.

Copy that. Listen to Pojoaque. I'm sure he knows way more than I do about that unit. I still have a lot to learn up there.
I just may not have been in a good deer zone up high before I dropped down. And I was successful cause I'm to stubborn to come in out of the rain! lol
Thank you for all the responses and wisdom. I’ve been a little slow on replying, shutdown at work, but it’s finally over now and I can get back to what matters, THE HUNT!! Im stoked. And my wife is finally happy now too since she gets a weekend away in Sante Fe!! I appreciate everything guys. If anyone is ever in Texas along the coast. I do some bay and offshore out to 20 mile fishing. I’d love the company.
One warning.
As mentioned the fall storms in the southern Sangre de Cristos can be brutal. The vortex effect gets those winds blowing during storms.
Got caught in Soldier Crk. drainage one afternoon & had to sit one out. Thunder,lightning,downpours & hail...& the wind. 60mph plus.Trees blowing down everywhere. I did not get back to camp 2 mi away til aftermidnight & lightning had stopped. Bad.
I found several dead cattle & elk the next day. Lightning strikes & under trees.
It had snowed 2ft the week before I got to camp for MZ elk hunt.
I will second Hank on the food for sure. Sunrise Cafe has the best green chile stew!

I hunted in 45 back in 2015 during the 1st muzzleloader hunt for elk ( Oct 10-14). We hiked in from Jack's Creek trailhead and made camp about 5 miles in on the north side of Round Mountain. My bull dropped about 7 miles from the truck, dang near at Baldy Lake.

Don't have any good intel on the deer. We didn't see any during our 4 days in. There are a lot of nice burns east of Round Mountain I would look at too.
Would love to pick your brain about elk! Could you PM me?
There are elk and deer in Santa Fe ski basin just off Winsor Trail...

if you want to go hunt for Deer/Elk In Pecos, try Cow Creek area, Bull Creek area....

Howdy Badger-

I live in Santa Fe and know the Pecos pretty well. BrokenArrow is right about the weather; it will determine where you hunt. I was in 45 last year when the storm he wrote about hit, but i disagree that all the deer headed low. Let me know when you head out here to scout, i can suggest a few places to spend some time in.

Also, what kind of truck do you have? Because that will also determine where you hunt.
Hey pojoaque,
I'll be out in 45 for the Sept archery season. I'd like to pick your brain about the area. So far I'm finding more elk than deer.
There are elk and deer in Santa Fe ski basin just off Winsor Trail...

if you want to go hunt for Deer/Elk In Pecos, try Cow Creek area, Bull Creek area....

Hey, I'll be out in 45 next month I'd love to ask some questions about the area if your up to it?

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