PEAX Equipment

New Mexico Unit 18

You're the one rolling your eyes at me asking for advice on a hunting unit in a hunting forum lol What do you think these hunting forums are for? This isn't the only hunting forum I've joined in the past couple of years. I didn't ask you for help and wouldn't ever ask you for help. Instead of keeping your opinion to yourself you had to mouth off like a typical FIB and to be honest I'm not surprised.
I'm sure that his reaction and attitude will have people now jumping right in to help him...

He should have went with the hot chick avatar approach. I bet that guy has 10 honey holes already via PM's
Are hunting forums not for asking and giving advice? I'm always willing to help other hunters out in units I've hunted in the past, especially ones that have low draw success or are limited entry units.
Are hunting forums not for asking and giving advice? I'm always willing to help other hunters out in units I've hunted in the past, especially ones that have low draw success or are limited entry units.
No, they absolutely are and they are a great place for it. Having a unit in a thread title and showing up as the very first thing a person sees when they google "new mexico elk unit 18" is the problem and you are contributing directly to the problem. I mean I'm sure that is exactly how you got here...

My dad and I drew unit 18 New Mexico for archery elk this year and am hoping you could share some info with me on this unit. Any information would help! We're traveling from Wisconsin so we have no way to do any scouting on the ground. My dad's been hunting elk for 45 years and I've been lucky enough to hunt with him the last 10 years. This is our 5th state hunting together and were just happy to have a pair of tags that we get to burn together.
Well first off congrats on drawing a great tag! This will most likely be an awesome year to have a NM elk tag given current moisture. The issue here is you started asking for help and advice in less than 5 mins after creating your account here. People that contribute to this forum, consistently get help from others... There is a saying "you get what you give" I think this perfectly applies here rather then immediately asking for help. A tip I'll give you is, before putting in for any tag you should have a game plan and at least researched basic information online and escouted the area before applying. With over 50 years experience y'all should have some success.
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Correct I googled and found this site and thought this might be a good place to ask for advice on this unit. The only other time I've done this is for last year's hunt when I burned 19 points on a tag. A few people reached out and actually called to provide some advice. I already contacted huntingfool and there are zero members there that drew that tag in the last year. I help out friends, family, contractors, coworkers etc every year with out of state elk hunts. I've donated days of my time helping people out giving people a leg up on hunting out west.
Well first off congrats on drawing a great tag! This is will most likely be an awesome year to have a NM elk tag given current moisture. The issue here is you started asking for help and advice in less than 5 mins creating your account here. People that contribute to this forum, consistently get help from others... There is a saying "you get what you give" I think this perfectly applies here rather then immediately asking for help. A tip I'll give you is, before putting in for any tag you should have a game plan and at least researched basic information online and escouted the area before applying. With over 50 years experience y'all should have some success.
Much appreciated! Honestly this was a surprise tag that we weren't expecting to get. Our chances were like 7% and this was the third choice tag we had in New Mexico. I spend a lot of time researching units and states and have points or applications in almost every state at any given time. I understand I'm new here and haven't contributed anything but everyone was new at one point. There is limited information online for this unit and hoping I can get some help. I've already planned on looking up other units I've drawn in wyoming Utah and Colorado to help out other hunters in those units. I live for elk hunting and am always willing to help others be successful in their hunts.
Correct I googled and found this site and thought this might be a good place to ask for advice on this unit. The only other time I've done this is for last year's hunt when I burned 19 points on a tag. A few people reached out and actually called to provide some advice. I already contacted huntingfool and there are zero members there that drew that tag in the last year. I help out friends, family, contractors, coworkers etc every year with out of state elk hunts. I've donated days of my time helping people out giving people a leg up on hunting out west.
Well I'll be honest there is a large difference in a 19 point tag drawn and one that has no point system. Don't expect people to Willy nilly give you hard earned information with no skin in the game here. We see people sign up and do this numerous times every spring/summer. 98% of them only take and never give. So what have you drawn before maybe I'm needing some intel?
Well I'll be honest there is a large difference in a 19 point tag drawn and one that has no point system. Don't expect people to Willy nilly give you hard earned information with no skin in the game here. We see people sign up and do this numerous times every spring/summer. 98% of them only take and never give. So what have you drawn before maybe I'm needing some intel?
Completely understand. We are the only non resident hunters that even drew a tag for this unit. We had less than a 6% chance and will more than likely never hunt this unit ever again. I've hunted unit 76 colorado. Unit 38 wyoming. Mt Dutton in Utah, gravely mountains in Montana, and a couple of OTC units in Colorado.
Thanks for the completely unnecessary and pointless response. So because my dad and I have more experience and skill than you, we shouldn't be allowed to ask people for advice on a unit that we've never been and a place we can't scout on the ground? You've never asked for hunting advice on a unit you've never been to? You understand how hunting forums work right? I hope you're not this rude to your boyfriend.

People aren't going to give you any good advice for random draw tags on the forum, unless they are braindead. Sending every person with a two-hour-old Hunt Talk profile asking for spots with GPS coordinates to their honey holes means they won't remain honey holes.

I will leave you with some tips for getting advice. Pick some, but perhaps not all at once.

(You've already tried the "get mad you don't get immediate GPS coordinates so insult the other forum members" strategy, so I'll leave that active off the list.)

- begin post saying, "I'm not looking for honey holes."
- make your profile photo an attractive female.
- say you're a wounded vet
- say the advice is for your 97-year-old dad who has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, uses a walker, but doesn't mind "getting after it to get it done"
- say the advice is for your 13-year-old with autism spectrum disorder who has no friends, smells his own farts and eats his own boogers

The things may or may not be true in some cases, but either way, you'll get more advice.
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People aren't going to give you any good advice for random draw tags on the forum, unless they are braindead. Sending every person with a two-hour-old Hunt Talk profile asking for spots with GPS coordinates to their honey holes means they won't remain honey holes.

I will leave you with some tips for getting advice. Pick some, but perhaps not all at once.

(You've already tried the "get mad you don't get immediate GPS coordinates so insult the other forum members" strategy, so I'll leave that active off the list.)

- begin post saying, "I'm not looking for honey holes."
- make your profile photo an attractive female.
- say you're a wounded vet
- say the advice is for your 97-year-old dad who has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, uses a walker, but doesn't mind "getting after it to get it done"
- say the advice is for your 13-year-old with autism spectrum disorder who has no friends, smells his own farts and eats his own boogers

The things may or may not be true in some cases, but either way, you'll get more advice.
Is it so much to ask for a GPS of every water hole and preferably have someone just put up tree stands for me before I get there?
@zjzeuske you are really full of it.

First off, unit 18 elk isn't exactly a primo unit. Its broken lowland country with some thick juniper strands. I drove through there last winter and did see some elk on a pivot. It's a unit with very low elk densities and there is a lot of private intermixed amoung accessible public land. Due to low elevation, it's gonna be hot there in Sept making it tough to hunt.

Second, due to above its not a hard hunt to draw. Residents have somewhere between a 32 and 71 percent chance to draw the first or second season tag based on the last three years depending on if its the first or second archery season. It's even pretty easy as a non resident, non outfitted. Between 8 and 16 percent last three years. You realize that it literally is the EASIEST ARCHERY ELK tag to draw for a NR right?

It was your third choice on your app because you just wanted any elk tag and selected the easiest so you can at least be hunting. At least don't lie about your story and man up and admit that you are just looking for a freebie to help on a very tough elk hunt
Completely understand. We are the only non resident hunters that even drew a tag for this unit. We had less than a 6% chance and will more than likely never hunt this unit ever again. I've hunted unit 76 colorado. Unit 38 wyoming. Mt Dutton in Utah, gravely mountains in Montana, and a couple of OTC units in Colorado.
I'm sitting on some WY points that I may burn someday eventually. Of coarse the new changes could mess all those plans up. I think you got some pretty good advise above on 18. It could be a tough hunt but low density units can produce some big elk in NM. Good luck out there and please hang around would love to see the out come. Find the water find the elk especially on a dry year in NM.
Are hunting forums not for asking and giving advice? I'm always willing to help other hunters out in units I've hunted in the past, especially ones that have low draw success or are limited entry units.
Oh shit i'm a little late, but i can definitely give a few pointers to hunting this unit -
  1. Research Elk moose elk Habits
  2. Study Maps
  3. Scout the Area
  4. Use Binoculars and Spotting Scopes
  5. Listen for calls
  6. Be Patient and Persistent
  7. Follow Regulations
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