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New Mexico Pronghorn - Act II

Not gunna lie... I got a CHUBBY.

Good luck Fella's. I'd tell you to have fun and be successfull but why state whats in the make already.
Dont forget to kickass and take names, Have fun.

P.S. watch out for rattle snakes, I killed a four footer yesterday.
Is anyone up? Looks like we are pulling an all lighter. Currently about 30 minutes past cortex, co. Does Randy look awake?

Is anyone up? Looks like we are pulling an all lighter. Currently about 30 minutes past cortex, co. Does Randy look awake?

In the last 24 hours, I have driven 1,150 miles, set up camp, and am now headed out with Buglers new camera to take mug shots of the pronghorn who are in our unit. Thinking we will show a line up of the bucks and you all can vote who we should go after.

Forget the waterhole tactics this year. There is water standing everywhere, so how would you pick the water source they plan to use?

Not a problem for Bugler, as 60 yards is a gimme for him. Now me, I gotta get within slingshot distance.

More later.
Someone already used the antelope decoy hat in New Mexico. Looks like it worked for him. Found it on the BTD site.


Two more days for me. My blood is just pumping now.

With as much rain as Montana has received this week, the blind will be staying home. Looks like spot and stalk all the way!
Good luck guys. I am in Wyoming ready for my first antelope hunt tomorrow. We did a little scouting and saw several bucks. We pulled an all nighter getting here from West Virginia and Pennsylvania. The word tired comes to mind but I will suck it up in the name of hunting.
The best of luck to both of you, but going off what happened last year good luck Big Fin, Bugler doesn't need luck, he has the mojo.
Sorry for the delay in posts. We are hunting in an area that has no cell coverage.. Very frustrating.

Have seen tons of bucks. And two rattle snakes.. Bugler claims to have found a bear track in the mud at a waterhole, so I am suspecting he has heat stroke.

Really haven't gotten in the grove yet, with most our time spent scouting and setting up blinds as our fall back. Bugler has a couple hundred pics of the bucks we have seen and we are sorting to see which ones look biggest (for him) and dumbest (for me).

Heading out again. More tonight.
Not much time to say much but will post pics as much as I can with the crappy service we are getting.

Here is home for a few days anyway.

View from our front porch.

This is what you need to watch out for when setting up said home.

There are a few antelope around this area. This is a group of 31 bucks.

Most of the buck pics are on the other camera (Minox DCM). This was a dumb one that let me walk up to him at 45 yards.

Hopefully more later.
Well, this afternoon we had some time to get serious. We found some great bucks and got some great video. The wind was just messing us up every time. And trying to stalk with two guys and a cameraman makes life a little difficult.

Coverage out here sucks. The place we have set some blinds and are seeing the best bucks are the places with the worst coverage.

Bugler has some cool pics, but we did not get any still photos of the biggest ones. Did get some great video. And tomorrow we are hiking in with the blinds and going to do all we can to get this buck. The road is a public road, but is chained and locked. Makes you say, WTH?

We thought about calling F&G and asking what the deal is with the locked gate, but figured we would just walk the mile or so to the location. Probably thin out any other hunters.

We did see some good bucks this morning and took lots of pics. It will require Bugler to post those, as they are on his camera.

I think tomorrow will have some good results in the afternoon. Gonna take us a while to get set up in this new location, but by afternoon, we should have it dialed in.

The highlight of the day was the guys from NM who asked us how many shots we had today. We had none. They had three. 80 yards, 100 yards, and they hit one at 126 yards and were trying to recover them.

Here is what things looked like when we found them on the way to our spot.

Made me think about the thread you guys have had about the video of the guys shooting mule deer.

A great end to a really fun day.
Thanks for the update. What kind of blinds are you using? I'd really like to pick one up this year to be able to take my 3yo.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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