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New Mexico needs our help today!


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2018
I saw this on another site.

It's a bill to outlaw trapping on public land.

If we can flood their emails with polite, respectful, professional opposition to this bill it will really help our fellow NM outdoorsman.


**NTA Alert - Opposed to HB366 **


Thursday, February 7, 2019 - 8:00 A.M. - Room 317
The Anti-Trapping bill will be heard!!

We need to pack the room!! Please arrive in ROOM 317 by 7:00 a.m. to secure a seat. This will be the only bill heard that day and is expected to have a lengthy discussion.

If you attend:
Park in the free parking garage on the west side of the capitol.
Arrive at 7:00 a.m.
Be prepared to be present for 2-3 hours
Call and take 5 friends
Call and email all legislators everyday leading to Thursday!!!!

If you are unable to attend the meeting in person please send emails and make phone calls to all the legislators in House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee.

HB366 Wildlife Protection & Public Safety Act (Anti-Trapping Bill) Regular/bills/house/HB0366.pdf

Or cut and paste Regular/bills/house/HB0366.pdf

If passed, this bill will directly impact the welfare of hardworking men and women of the middle class who rely on the sale of furs. Trappers also contribute to the growth of game species by helping regulate the numbers of predator species.

Contact the following legislators and STRONGLY OPPOSE HB366! When emailing, type "Opposed to HB366" in the Subject line. Please be respectful when contacting legislators.

House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee

Representatives Emails:

Representatives Phone Numbers:

McQueen (505) 986-4423
Rubio (505) 986-4227
Akhil (505) 986-4464
Anderson (505) 986-4450
Ferrary (505) 986-4338
Montoya (505) 986-4758
Romero (505) 986-4254
Sarinana (505) 986-4227
Scott (505) 986-4450
Small (505) 986-4438
Stansbury (505) 986-4336
Strickler (505) 986-4220
Townsend (505) 986-4758

National Trappers Association | 2815 Washington Ave, Bedford, IN 47421
I've never set a trap in my life. But I oppose the efforts by special interests and activists to chip away at lawful conservation activities. In no way will this bill "promote public safety" or "protect wildlife." It's purpose is plain and simple.

I sent in my rather long, respectful, 700+ word email to these legislators.

Thanks for calling this to our attention!
“Democrats are the party of the public land sportsman”

Any word on what BHA SW chapter might do to oppose this?
It looks like the vote was postponed on the bill.

It seems to me most hunters fail to actively defend trapping with the fervor they defend other methods of take. Soon, the antis will win and ban trapping. "It's barbaric and inhumane, doesn't reflect our values." Next, predator hunting all together. Then the use unfair rifles and unethical bows...

Before long there won't be anything left to defend or anyone left to defend it. Of course, if we don't turn the tide on sportsmen recruitment, the antis can just smoke us out. I'd like to see BHA or NMWF take a strong stance on this...I'm not holding my breath. To most sportsmen groups, it's not a hill worth dying on...

Trapping is the bumpstock of the hunting community.

I don't like slippery slope arguments but the slope is indeed very slippery.
It looks like the vote was postponed on the bill.

It seems to me most hunters fail to actively defend trapping with the fervor they defend other methods of take. Soon, the antis will win and ban trapping. "It's barbaric and inhumane, doesn't reflect our values." Next, predator hunting all together. Then the use unfair rifles and unethical bows...

Before long there won't be anything left to defend or anyone left to defend it. Of course, if we don't turn the tide on sportsmen recruitment, the antis can just smoke us out. I'd like to see BHA or NMWF take a strong stance on this...I'm not holding my breath. To most sportsmen groups, it's not a hill worth dying on...

Trapping is the bumpstock of the hunting community.

I don't like slippery slope arguments but the slope is indeed very slippery.

FWIW, up here in the frozen tundra, hunters seem a bit torn on this issue, since those that hunt with dogs (grouse mostly) have concerns about conabear traps, while those who don't seem somewhere between indifferent and supportive - as a result a small and shrinking group (hunters) are split on the issue and have even less impact on the legislative process than usual.
I used to trap myself (still do, but not furbearers). But I've also had me dogs snared twice and nearly caught several more times. That definitely has cooled my support a bunch.
Arizona lost the public land trapping, due to lack of support. Whether you like trapping, or not, this is just one more step toward doing away with any game management. The dems in NM, also just pushed forth abortion legislation. There are consequences for voting in liberals.
Arizona lost the public land trapping, due to lack of support. Whether you like trapping, or not, this is just one more step toward doing away with any game management. The dems in NM, also just pushed forth abortion legislation. There are consequences for voting in liberals.

I really wish people would leave the other issues like abortion, and liberal V. conservative commentary out of issues. Right off the bat, you're creating a division and stereo-typing people wrongly. Elections do have consequences and that's a sword that cuts both ways...

I know many conservatives that aren't real cracked up about trapping and would vote to ban it, and know some that would be defined as "liberals" that trap a bunch.

I believe trapping should be protected and needs to be there as a way to actively manage fur-bearers and predators.

I have no problems with trapping and have done it a lot. I believe that the correct measures to take, are to support trapping, but trapping education is a must. It makes sense for the Game and Fish commissions to adopt certain regulations regarding trap type and where they can be set.
Arizona lost the public land trapping, due to lack of support. Whether you like trapping, or not, this is just one more step toward doing away with any game management.

So, are Arizona game species spiraling out of control? Not that I've seen. At least not any more than any other state.

It makes sense for the Game and Fish commissions to adopt certain regulations regarding trap type and where they can be set.

And then give them a budget to support the ENFORCEMENT of said rules. Not something that happens all that often around here.
I’m not a proponent of trapping. But I see it as just one more assault on traditional practices that will ultimately concede right of way to “progress”
They elected a far left wing democratic governor, New Mexico is gone, there is no saving it.
Gone? like ceased to exist? Where did it go? Is there just a big hole to the center of the earth where New Mexico was? I guess there will be no elk to hunt there this fall, eh?
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