Kenetrek Boots

New Mexico is going up in flames

Black fire is now 130k and 6% contained. Human caused, under investigation.
Hermits fire has burned 3 places I hunted and camped in my life.

Wow. 173,000ac and 13% now. Also overlaid on top of a pile of personal waypoints that I can vividly see in minds eye.
There's not much more emotionally guy wrenching than seeing these fires grow day by day especially when it's coming at you. We watched our last fire for 3 days while we prepared until it overran us. We then watched for another week while we fought it with other ranches trying to save their places. These fires will change your life.
My hopes can only get better.
Watching a storm form off the coast of Mex. this morn and with each piece of the monsoon puzzle falling into place I can only hope it hits here still.

Noticed lots of old ponderosas dying through the Malpais Nat. Mont. yesterday.
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Black fire is 175k this morn, 3rd largest in history now. Might burn til Oct. at this rate. Burning each new days direction of wind. Today winds from south will make it burn north further into new ground. Smoke will be bad here by nightfall.
Good news was 31% humidity here this morn.
Black fire is 175k this morn, 3rd largest in history now. Might burn til Oct. at this rate. Burning each new days direction of wind. Today winds from south will make it burn north further into new ground. Smoke will be bad here by nightfall.
Good news was 31% humidity here this morn.
High winds this weekend, it won't be good.
Could see 3 smoke plumes from the Black Fire today.
1st time today we got clouds built up and downdrafts,virga and humidity up. Come on monsoons!
Black Firs is 275k & 20% contained this morning. Bad.

Hermits/Calf is 317 & 65% contained. Got some rain on that one and it has stalled.
The pyrocumulus cloud from the Black Fire yesterday was one of the more impressive ones I've seen. I suspect it'll surpass the Calf Canyon Fire in size if it reaches Hwy 152.
The pyrocumulus cloud from the Black Fire yesterday was one of the more impressive ones I've seen. I suspect it'll surpass the Calf Canyon Fire in size if it reaches Hwy 152.
Looked like a lemon maraingue day yesterday from Pie Town.
Always wanted to see the Aldo Leopoldo Wilderness area, doesn’t look like there is going to be much left to see.
1st thunderheads since last Sept. forming today. 97 & humidity rising. Very hot even for here.
20% chance today & tomorrow with maybe more this weekend.

The only saving grace in the Black fire is the Aldo is mainly sparse tree cover and desert country. But a quarter of one of the largest wilderness' burning is never good.

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