New Mexico is going up in flames

Black Fire IR at 9 PM last night said about 18,700 acres, but GOES fire detection suggests it made a big run east after that. Wouldn’t be surprised if it added a few thousand acres.
Edit to add map of IR perimeter.
View attachment 222717
It looked like it blew up some yesterday. NM fire & inciweb says only around 1200,but this map shows different.
Inciweb is showing 298,060 for calf canyon fire this morning. I believe its the largest wildfire in NM now in modern history.
That is a record you don't want to set. Our SCU fire held that record for a short time and the 2 larger fires blew up. It is heart wrenching to watch these fire run out of control no matter if it's close to home or 2 states away. Please for all in the path of these fires, BE SAFE!
Coming home from store just now I could see 4 huge pyro-cumulus heads with smoke banks across the sky.
The Black fire smoke is visible from here clearly now,150 mi away.
Bear trap is an orange band with a head.
The big fires north have several heads of smoke/cloud and it trails across most of north NM it seems.
I would be prepping my house if I was anywhere near that thing. With the expected high temperatures they're calling for more help. I think we're sending a few crews from Idaho that way.
Black Fire IR at 9 PM last night said about 18,700 acres, but GOES fire detection suggests it made a big run east after that. Wouldn’t be surprised if it added a few thousand acres.
Edit to add map of IR perimeter.
View attachment 222717
It added a few thousand and then some. IR flight last night said 56,132 acres, an increase of 37,370 from the previous night’s flight.
Hermits peak/Calf Cyn fire is now officially the largest in NM , recorded history. 299k,so far. Headed into the Pecos Wilderness.
Black fire is into the Aldo Leopold Wilderness. Way over 56k now.
Santa Fe, north Cibola and Carson forests are closed, until it rains now.
Hermit/Calf has burned 340 homes and hundreds more buildings. 26,000 evacuated or homeless. Over 300k ac now.
Staged fire lines up into Taos.

As bad as it can get, is being used.
The Santa Fe forest could be closed until the end of you better check your tags and expectations in NM this year.
Other units could be affected too.
Had supertankers overhead on flight paths back and forth to the fires today , all day. Must be flying out of PHX. Calmer winds today. Back to red flag tomorrow again.
Black fire is over 105k now and 5 mi from Chloride. 7th largest in state history and 5% contained.
Hermits/Calf is over 300k and 40% containment this morning.
Black fire is now 130k and 6% contained. Human caused, under investigation.
Hermits fire has burned 3 places I hunted and camped in my life.
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