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New Member to your great Board


New member
Jan 10, 2001
Grand Lake Stream ME USA
I have just found your board and I think its great!!!I am a Guide in the state of Maine guiding Bear and Bobcat hunts with Hounds.I also guide fishing in the summer.
Tobey, glad to see ya here! Pull a stump up to the fire and stay awile. There is a great bunch of guys here. Can't wait to here some stories and see some pictures.

Mountain Boomer

PS> Are you the same Tobey from Coonhound Central?
Tobey-Welcome to the board! Tell us some stories about bear hunting in the NE! I have a friend up there named George Peltier do you know him?bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Tobey, WELCOME ABOARD glad ya stooped in and sure hope ya stay awhile!!!!! where is GRAND LAKE STREAM ME.???????? I have family and have hunted all over northern maine, how did ya do on bears this year ??? lots of food where i was near portage lake passed on some smaller ones and coulnt get the one i wanted to turn and give me a shot (bowhunting) oh well, thats huntin!!!!! anyway lets hear some maine hunting stories!!!!

Bcat, i didnt realize you and george p.were friends i communicated with him a bit on the other site havent seen him here though!!!

"in the Spring we Strut and in the Fall we Rut"

[This message has been edited by DKO (edited 01-11-2001).]
Yes i am the same tobey from Coonhound Central(i hope you don't hold that agenst me LOL)If i knew you where here i would have been here sooner.
Originally posted by Mountain Boomer:
Tobey, glad to see ya here! Pull a stump up to the fire and stay awile. There is a great bunch of guys here. Can't wait to here some stories and see some pictures.

Mountain Boomer

PS> Are you the same Tobey from Coonhound Central?
You have just found the best board around!! we are all looking forwrd to some stories, and maybe some pics,[I for one,never tire of hound pics} The more the merrier!!
Yes i am the same Tobey from Coonhound Central (hope you don't hold that agenst me LOL)I would have been here sooner if i new.
Bcat i knew geordg when he was a wanabe he has realy done a good job with alot of hard work and has a respectable pack of hounds.He lives 20 miles from where i grew up and spent 15yrs hunting,I ternd him onto some good Bobcat areas down there the other day.
Grand Lake Stream is just inland from Calais on the east side of the state,Where Maine meets Canada on the coast.We got 25 bear this fall 20 over bait and 5 with the dogs.
Only had 6 dog sports this year.I am rebuilding my dog power after loosing 4 top hounds in the last 3 years.
We having fun yet Tobey
Well I am MOOSIE from Idaho and Want to welcome you aboard!!! I have alot to do So I have a Welocming commity and they are doing a fine job!!!!!

Any queestions and or Concerns don't hesitate to ASK!!! [email protected]

Or my personal one.. [email protected], but don't give that one out, It's just for FRIENDS!!!!

Welcome aboard aGAIN AND Post some pics Mi Amigo!!!!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
<LI> www.huntandlodge.com


Tobey, I read the CC board all the time, just don't post anything there. Tell everyone over there that all coonhunters are welcome here too. I know the title says cats/bears but Moosie put that there and we don't pay no attention to him...

Toby what is the address of CC? I might just want to check it out! Bring the crew over to visit here too from time to time! Great to have ya here and look forward to some pics and stories. I know a guy only has so much time for multiple boards but sure enjoy having ya here!bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
Tobey.. You can't POST a link to another site... THIS is a PRIVATE site..

Just messing w/ ya. We are probably the ONLY site that PROMOTES other sites.. Hummm Other guys get MAD when We talk about Hunttalk.com. I wonder if they feel threatened

Welocme aboad again and TALK coon ALL ya want!!!!! Any hunttalk or general talk is WELCOME!!!!

<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
<LI> www.huntandlodge.com


Tobey we'll check out your site. Thanks for coming aboard!bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
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