New Hunting Website & Podcast

Many of you may have heard about the controversy in New Zealand with the Governement proposal to cull over 15 000 Tahr.

A massive tragedy in my opinion that they did not speak with the hunting community before hand. But there has been a huge amount of opposition to the plan and in the last few hours it has been announced by the Ardern Government they are postponing it. So there is hope for a collaborative outcome, especially considering it is a public lands hunting issue.

Today I recorded a interview with longtime Kiwi guide John Royle and got his opinion of the situation on this uninformed and biased decision.

You can listen to the podcast via the website, download it from there too, or stream via iTunes or Stitcher.

Thanks for the support, Dave
Ladies & Gents I got some feedback on the John Royle on NZ Tahr Podcast that the sound quality was very poor. And rightly so.

I have re-engineered the soundtracks from the original files and greatly improved them. The new mp3 file has replaced the old on at the the same link above if you would like to give it a second go.

Thanks for the support
Ladies & Gents.

Just loaded up Hunting Arete Podcast Episode 17, Behind the Scenes, with Barry Howlett from the Australian Deer Association.

We talk about what does and can go on behind the scenes of protecting and promoting Hunters rights.

It doesn't matter where in the world you are from, there are lessons to be learned from doing things better to not repeating mistakes of others.

We can all help each other, around the globe, by sharing our experiences in negotiations for, and on the behalf of Hunters and Anglers.

You can stream or download the podcast through the Hunting Arete website, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play.

And please go and drop a review on what ever platform you choose to listen to Hunting Arete Podcast on. It only serve to boost the visibility of the podcast and provide cause and reason to continue to get great content out to you the listeners.

Thanks and Happy New Year
Ladies and Gents

Episode 18 is live now via the Hunting Arete website, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play.

This time around I talk to Roy Sloan, President of the Fiordland Wapiti Foundation about the management of non-native Wapiti in the Fiordland National Park in the South Island of New Zealand.

These Elk were a gift to New Zealand by the US in the early 1900s. FWF are now entrenched in the management of the Wap with a proven track record with the NZ Department of Conservation of improving the ecology, yet managing a sustainable and improving quality herd of Wapiti for hunting via a ballot, or tag draw style system. They carry out culls and pest trapping amongst monitoring of several species of rare birds.

Without people like Roy and the FWF Elk would have been lost to the Hunters of the South Pacific.

The balloted hunt is considered one of the toughest hunts in the world. The annual rainfall is between 32 and 39 feet, yes feet, ten to twelve metres. And the terrain goes from sea level to over 5000ft in extremely steep and densely vegetated rain forest.

One of my previous guests, Daz Horkings has hunted the area through success in the FWF Ballot. Part One of his video is here

Thanks for the on going support.
Gidday All,

Episode 19 has gone Live via the Hunting Arete website, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or Google Play

Joining me this time is a passionate Traditional Bow Hunter Jimmy Beehag.

Jim Resize.jpg
Ladies & Gents its been one year now on the Hunting Arete journey.

Episode 20 was the toughest chat I have had on this trip. This episode is Anthony Campbell's story of a tragic hunt for Bull Tahr on the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand with his father Tony.

Tony tragically fell to his death. Anthony talks about the lead up, the events and the recovery and his return on unfinished business.

I would like to thank Anthony and the Campbell Family for sharing this deeply personal story.

A special thanks need to go out to Dave Brinker, ex Sitka and Made Out West fame. He knows the kinship of hunters.
Thanks Dave

As normal listen via the website, Stitcher, iTunes, Spotify or Google Play.


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Ha, Randy referenced the English hunters coming over to Montana, thanks for the kind words, but I owe a lot to this site, it's the only US site I visit and post on, and without it I would have struggled to have done as well as I have on all my hunts to date.
I enjoyed the podcast, thanks for interviewing Randy mate.
Listening to your podcast and enjoyed the tahr story :) sounds like an awesome hunt! I agree with your guide, using a chopper to access the westcoast is a great plan. I'll never forget getting dropped off on a solo mission on the west coast tops and being faced with hunting tahr alone for 3 days, character building.

PS I believe all non resident aliens need a guide for big game in Alaska. Unfortunately.
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PS I believe all non resident aliens need a guide for big game in Alaska. Unfortunately.
Yeah, you're right, I would have loved to have done a Dall sheep hunt, but not at outfitter prices for that type of hunt, gutted.
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