
New hunter for partner in Michigan


New member
Nov 2, 2021
Hey everyone,

I am a new hunter. Finally decided after years of wanting to go I would get my license and do it. I am 24 and I reside in Lansing, MI. I bought all new hunting gear, a shotgun, a pop-up blind; pretty much everything I need to get started. I know only what class has taught me and would like someone to go out with. I'm nervous to go solo with no experience. Thank you!
Find a place of public land or private property you have permission to hunt, strap it on and go fail. Then go fail again. You'll learn. Have the means to easily build a fire and a way to communicate should things go sideways.

Why are you nervous about going out solo?
Find a place of public land or private property you have permission to hunt, strap it on and go fail. Then go fail again. You'll learn. Have the means to easily build a fire and a way to communicate should things go sideways.

Why are you nervous about going out solo?
I just am. Never done this before.
No hahaha
I am in SWMI about 2 hours from you. I don’t whitetail hunt very much anymore but can give you a hand if you cannot find a local Mentor.

Also you are need to ditch the shotgun and get a rifle. You are a stones throw away from the rifle line. Head north to one of the GEM areas and go hunt. There is no need to handicap yourself with a shotgun.
If you are in Lansing, contact the Michigan United Conservation Clubs & see if they have someone who can mentor or have a local affiliate who can do so. I'm sure they can help.

Totally understandable wanting someone who's hunted before along for the ride. Good luck & have fun!
Went to the Mark Knee memorial GEM over the weekend. You can cross that one off your map. It needs some maintenance with the regrowth. It’s like hunting a wall of poplar. Every opening had a guy set up in it.

It’s managed for birds but you couldn’t swing a shotgun in most of it. Amazing how fast that regrew.
As long as you have confidence in your ability to navigate your way out of the area you plan on hunting in the dark whether that be by using onx or a compass of sorts I wouldn’t be afraid to go solo.
In case you don’t know you can save maps on onx to your phone and the gps tracking feature will still work even if you don’t have service.
Idk what you’re looking to harvest, but I have luck finding does on the edge of the woods where it meets prairies or ag fields.
If you get one there’s lots of informative videos on how to process it online.
Basically just peel off the skin and cut the red meat off the white bone.
Try to keep everything as clean as possible but don’t get caught up on all the “sacred meat” hype.
If it gets a little bit dirty it’s not the end of the world.
If you plan on hunting public you could try calling the park manager or conservation officer that oversees the area.
In my experience these people have been super nice and would probably be willing to point you towards some spots to check out.

There’s a learning curve for everything. I know grown men who’ve lost 3 wounded deer on 600 acre patches of public this season who are still out giving it heck.
Have fun!

Ps don’t forget about squirrel hunting.
It’s a good way to hike around during the daylight hours and get familiar with an area before you’re out there in the dark.

If your wanting to taste my waterfowl world feel free to send me a message. I’m up in the big rapids area. It’s marginal hunting but there is greatness in the sunrise over a decoy spread. Mostly state land Been doing it for 35 years. Been hunting mostly by myself

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