New guy from Minniesota


Well-known member
May 16, 2024
Howdy! I thought I'd sign up and see what things are like here. Heard some good things from guys who I have appreciated on another forum. Been vaguely aware of HT over the years but wasn't aware there are so many topic areas!

Been mostly a public land upland bird and whitetail hunter with some turkey and bear interest over my many years. Mostly Midwest but thinking about expanding some to the West after I retire.

Looking forward to checking things out and maybe contributing here and there!
Welcome, love the way you spelled MN :) Only thing you missed was making the "o" a capital "O". Would really show you are from the deep north woods!
Howdy! I thought I'd sign up and see what things are like here. Heard some good things from guys who I have appreciated on another forum. Been vaguely aware of HT over the years but wasn't aware there are so many topic areas!

Been mostly a public land upland bird and whitetail hunter with some turkey and bear interest over my many years. Mostly Midwest but thinking about expanding some to the West after I retire.

Looking forward to checking things out and maybe contributing here and there!
Welcome! Where in MN?
Howdy! I thought I'd sign up and see what things are like here. Heard some good things from guys who I have appreciated on another forum. Been vaguely aware of HT over the years but wasn't aware there are so many topic areas!

Been mostly a public land upland bird and whitetail hunter with some turkey and bear interest over my many years. Mostly Midwest but thinking about expanding some to the West after I retire.

Looking forward to checking things out and maybe contributing here and there!
Welcome from Mississippi
Kenetrek Boots

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