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New guy from Idaho!

Welcome to HT! I know the feeling of multiple encounters with nothing to show for it, but it sure keeps the excitement going. Keep at it and success will come.
Absolutely. I have had no shortage of experiences, that's for sure. Hopefully one of these days I will be able to bring something home to show for it lol.
I'm new to this forum and I have lived in Idaho my entire life. I am a novice hunter or expert hiker, whichever way you look at it. I am pretty much all self-taught and have gotten my old man into the outdoors as my love for it has developed. I mainly hunt deer and elk but have so far only found success on one occasion (at least in regard to harvesting). I have learned a lot and continue to learn every year. I prefer bow hunting over rifle hunting. However, I am never opposed to a good hike with the rifle either. This last year I had several encounters with elk, including 2 6 points and a large cow on an any elk archery hunt, but wasn't able to quite seal the deal. I know that one day I will be able to put all of the pieces together and the stars will finally align. Just wanted to introduce a little bit about myself and you will hopefully see me contributing on a regular basis on some of these forums!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Welcome to the site! Always great to have more people in the sport!

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