Caribou Gear

New Career Choices

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
I am tired of being a construction supt.
I am looking to start a new career in the outdoors so, my question is...

If you could kick the old 9 to 5 and do whatever you wanted, what would you do?

Yeah, I'd like to be a porn star too, but let's be more realistic...
Game Warden/Fish Warden type. Or maybe just with the Parks dept. I waited till I was too old to get out of the construction game, and find something more reliablea with better benefits. If I had to do it all over again, I would have done it when I was younger and get something that I liked.
Live off my wife! :D

I've thought pretty hard about this recently. I think i could make it pretty easy being a guide, both for fishing/hiking trips in the summer as well as hunting in the fall/winter... But that would cut into my "fun" time... So I'll stick with what I'm doing, and make enough money to play all I want!

I really wish I had the experience to be able to guide in Africa... THAT would be my dream job... Hunt there during spring, summer and early fall, and get hunting season off and come back to the states and hunt all fall for myself!!!
The problem with having a job involved with the hobby is that something has to give and it is usually the hobby. Now looking for a hunting guide job below the equator would work out...hmm. I am looking for a job to spend Nov-April in Hawaii and May -Oct in Alaska. Fish and Hunt year 'round. Now for the means of support...Bambi has the SUGAR MOMMA. Mine did not pay off as expected.
Ignoring my talents (or lack thereof ;) ) and money issues, I would probably pick something like wildlife biology. I also like the idea of being a F&W officer, except that by definition they're on duty during the big seasons (i.e., firearms deer season), which I assume would put a cramp on hunting time.

If we went with something I'm good at, I'd probably have to choose between garbage collector and filthy rich antisocial hermit. :D
I just want to go back to my old job again. Towell boy at the Mustang Ranch....

Ah, the memories....
Move to the coast, borrow enough $,$$$,$$$.$$ to get a Huge Freakin' Boat, hire a crusty ol' salt as a mediocre cook, charge outlandish prices....Fish in the summer, hunt in the spring & fall, keep Momma warm all winter. :p
If money isn't all that important, some sort of municipal job such as; highway dept., fireman, ciy utilities, etc. would be pretty stress free, plus those jobs usually have decent benefits and plenty of time off work.

However ... Since we all know that money is very important, you could probably make the best income in construction, due to your experience in that area. Consider hooking up with a different company, or going on out on your own.
I can honestly say that except for the 'lottery winner' type of occupation, construction suits me just fine. Being outside, meeting fellow contractors and qualified craftsmen, new locations, setting my own hours, and if you work hard enough, prudently manage your business, and are a little can make a pretty good living for your family with enough left over to buy gear and hunt.

As you guys on here that also do construction, either as labor or management, can attest, it is a tough and constantly evolving business.

Still wouldn't mind winning the lottery...especially on Mondays. :D
well, a friend sent my hubby a link, and these people pay u to hunt or fish, real kool, it cost a little, or we do it for now,but have do some more other chit fornow, anyway u can hunt or make videos,sell packages,fish,anyway all i can remember is it something called, somethin like that:rolleyes: i can never remeber it right:)
Good ideas so far.
Been livin' off the wife for 2 months
Traveled in construction for 9 years
I put in apps at Alaskan fish camps and etc but I fear that at 38 i'm too old.
Even applied to erect steel in Antarctica.
I teach hunter ed and I am a scoutmaster.
Game law enforcment works too hard during the fall.
Spent 3 years as a security guard in Florida-MAN!!! I HATED FLORIDA!!!
I'm thinking maybe competitive eating....
8 years later I am still in construction management. The checks are bigger now.
As a finally retired guy who worked in construction management for decades and also in the military as a parallel career, now I work as a school tutor volunteer and hunt and hike when I want to. I am happy and busier than ever ... but on my own terms.

My best advise is to enjoy the free time you have for hunting or whatever your passion and put away whatever you can to eventually retire and enjoy your interests and priorities on your own terms. Don't take a pressure job doing something related to hunting. It will destroy your huntiing passion and pleasure.
My best advise is to enjoy the free time you have for hunting or whatever your passion and put away whatever you can to eventually retire and enjoy your interests and priorities on your own terms. .

That Fin guy has the best advise in my opinion.

"Hunt when you can. You're gonna run outta health before you run outta money."
Truck drivin'? Not long haul, local. Make almost as much as when I owned my own but I'm home every night and only work a four days week. That gives me three days for honey dos' and takin' the kids out and playing. Probably not the money your making now but I've come to realize lifestyle is more than a paycheck. Definitly do not get a job related to what you like to do in your free time. When your free time passion is busy you won't be doing it cuz you got to take care of the people who have time to do it. example... I ride a Harley. So when I sold my truck I got a job at the Harley shop. Yup it was fun and I loved the people but they came in and left, did poker runs, trips etc. while I stayed and supported them in parts and service. Now I'm back up from 2000 miles a year to 10000 miles a year on the scoot. Much better! Now I just need a jet boat so I can drop that to 5k a year and do more fishin'....Haha
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