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New Bushmaster AR-15 - General Questions

I would take off the muzzle brake/flash hider and put on a thread protector.

The I would replace factory trigger with a CMC 3.5# flat trigger.

Next, I would top it with a Vortex 4x12x40 with BDC.

I load 50gr Hornady z-max bullets over 26.8gr H335 and the BDC reticle on the scope is almost perfect out to 500yds

Why a flat trigger?

Any reason for vortex over leopold? Im a leopold guy...
A couple of other tidbits

1. Number your magazines with a paint pen. AR mags are not meant to last forever, and if they are numbered it is easy to ID the bad ones.

2. Mount your red dot as far forward as you can on the receiver. This will reduces the size of the red dot in relation to the target and cause less tunnel visions, making it easier to aim precisely and shoot with both eyes open.

3. Upgrading your butt stock will make it easier for you to get a good cheek weld and as a result you will be able to shoot more accurately.

4. a new trigger is good advice.

The one it came with is adjustable, would I replace it with a fixed?

Never thought of number magazines, but I will do that!

The rifle comes with a free cerakote paint job as well! I was thinking white camo, has anyone done a custom paint? if so what did you do and would you suggest it?
Why a flat trigger?

Any reason for vortex over leopold? Im a leopold guy...

I really like the feel of the flat trigger over the curved. To me the flat feels lighter than the curved and it looks cool.

No reason on Vortex vs leupold. Either makes great scopes. I have three of the Vortex 4x12x40 on my AR's and really like them. they are clear and crisp and work well for me.
Good advice on numbering your mags. The mag that came with the gun is probably crap. Spend 40 bucks or so on a couple of magpuls.

Depending on the quality of your rails, the zero retention should be pretty darned good when switching optics. Like Minnesota, I cannot detect a shift at 100m and I pull my optics off all the time screwing around at the range. Good quality mounts and rails will make or break your ability to do this.

I don't think there is any real world benefit to a flat trigger other than looks.

Personally, I just use the 30 round mag for a monopod while shooting prone.
The one it came with is adjustable, would I replace it with a fixed?

Never thought of number magazines, but I will do that!

The rifle comes with a free cerakote paint job as well! I was thinking white camo, has anyone done a custom paint? if so what did you do and would you suggest it?

I am a fan of the LMT/Crane SOPMOD collapsible stocks. Another good option if you need to raise your eye up the level of the scope is a MAGPUL MOE (39.99) with the cheek riser (19.95) added. This will help align your eye to the scope while still having solid cheek pressure on the stock comb.
Well Last night I went to Scheels and got 3 magpul mags and a second mag for my conceal carry. I am thinking about replacing the forearm of the rifle with one that has quad rails so i can mount the bipod. I think I decided I want to try a bi pod. Maybe I wont use it for hunting as much but I think I would use it a lot at the range!

I loaded up all 4 mags and I am ready to head to the range on saturday! My goal is to run the rest of my 250 cheapo rounds through it to break it in and then I will start playing with different loads.

Would it make sense to sight the red dot in with a fmj target load and then when I get a scope that I want to hunt with sight that in with whatever round I want to hunt with?