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Nevada - Is it Worth it?

I don't think Nevada is worth it. There are so many other great options for hunts that offer great experiences but you can count on more. There is some great whitetail hunting to be had in some of the southern states. I think it can get overlooked sometimes and provides an excellent experience in some country you would have never thought of.
Basically, the goal is to go elk hunting every year and get on a rotation. Then throw in some really good deer or antelope hunts or another species like alligator or moose every now and then. I got a raise so I am looking to add another State potentially. Is Nevada worth adding or should I go with Idaho, Montana, Alaska or Washington? Below is where I am currently applying

SC - Alligator
VA - Elk
ME - Moose
VT - Moose
NH - Moose
TX - Exotics
Nevada has HUGE Mule deer,and it's easy to draw a tag,so yes should be top of your list.
In my opinion, no.
I'm over 20 points for every species but deer in Nevada and have never drawn a tag.
Look at the total amount of non-resident tags they give out and you will see why it's so hard.
I would easily add Idaho before Nevada.
Plus, it looks like you really want to hunt moose, so you could apply for them when the mood strikes you.

As far as Washington goes, only if you want to try to kill a Roosevelt at some point in your life. But you probably won't ever draw a quality tag.
I draw just about every other year.
I decided NV wasn't worth it for me personally. ID, AK, or MT would all be better places to spend your money IMO. Of course this all just depends on one's priorities. From looking at your list I'd say apply for Idaho moose or Alaska moose maybe both depending on budget and time constraints.
That's okay,thousands of other hunters thank you.
You are completely full of crap. I'm so tired of your incessant lies. I don't know if it's pathological or you are compensating for not getting enough stickers on your coloring assignments from your kindergarten teacher.

What I do know, is that you complain about NV odds but could have pulled deer tags anytime you wanted.

Here are the archery deer odds for 2022 with 25 NV nonresident points. And you put in for the "lowest quality units." And you get five choices.

I'm calling bs.
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Simple,he doesn't want competition, so he talks down about Nevada.
To those that drew X number of tags the last 25 years….and say go for it. Night and day. Odds going forward the next 25 years going forward are and will suk, if even having an opportunity to apply exist. Just getting a tag, any tag, will truly become “once in a lifetime”. NR’s will be phased out from hunting. When? But it will happen.
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