PEAX Equipment

Nevada Area 24

So after the initial euphoria of getting this tag I realized I was confused, and then gave confusing info. Somehow, through dumb luck, NDOW gave me two consecutive muley tags. One last year (2023) in area 10, and now this year (2024) for area 24. The saying "I'd rather be lucky than smart" seems to apply. This tag is one of those "once in a blue moon" situations. Will be updating this thread as I move along in the process of scouting and during the 26 days of the October hunt season. If I continue to be lucky, there should be some great photos/accounting of the adventure. This'll be a DIY with help from a friend who knows the area pretty well.
If you have the time to put in A LOT of scouting you'll see some absolute monster bucks.
That being said you will also be contending with guides and their many sub-guides in that area as we did when my son had the same tag a couple of years ago.
Also don't overlook areas that look like there wouldn't be any deer down very low in the desert.

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If you have the time to put in A LOT of scouting you'll see some absolute monster bucks.
That being said you will also be contending with guides and their many sub-guides in that area as we did when my son had the same tag a couple of years ago.
Also don't overlook areas that look like there wouldn't be any deer down very low in the desert.

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This tag I've got some things to help out I'm going to take full advantage of. We live within a few hours of much of the unit and am familiar with it from other times in it from the past. Because we're so close, scouting it a lot will be possible. Your hints and advice are appreciated...thank you.
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