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Netflix: American Primeval

How's the quality compare to the TV adaptation of Philipp Meyer's book 'The Son'? One of my favorite books of all time, thought the show was awful. Thoughts?
Jim Bridger... His shovel....My favorite 30 seconds of the whole series.

I found the series entertaining and made me research the B. Y. Controversy. Yikes!
I liked the story, it was nice to see some characters from “real life” that were portrayed in it, but the way that they filmed it seemed a little more “dark” than I think it had to be.
I understand that life back then was difficult, but for example, the Pratt character running around for days with blood dripping down his face was a little much. Especially when he’s sitting next to a river and doesn’t try to wash off some of it….?
Also there was a scene where a man was skinning a deer carcass and blood was running down the body of the deer. Now Ive skinned many deer and that’s never happened to me.
I just wish it was filmed with a little more realism than the over drama of the gore.

The skinning was the only thing that got to me. I had to give a scientific explanation to my wife. She’s seen me do it, and was wtf?
I watched it. Really wasn’t a fan. Nothing good happened in the whole show.
The skinning was the only thing that got to me. I had to give a scientific explanation to my wife. She’s seen me do it, and was wtf?
That and I think there was a scene where the Shoshone were sitting in a tepee and it was a patchwork of pieces with holes and spaces letting in a tremendous amount of sunlight….
I did enjoy it as I did the revenant, but I just feel that had it been a little more realistic it would have been just that much more enjoyable.
Oh no doubt, that was one of my first thoughts...
Religion: Always has an ugly side... Christians burning women alive at the stake (Heretics) and yes, even Mormons Mountain Meadows Massacre and opposition to the U.S. Gov't, SCOTUS ruling against polygamy (Young had some 50 wives).
Current, I have great friends who are Native American, Muslim, Christian, Mormon, etc. Seems good can sprout from just about any background. I know, lets tear down every historical statue! (I jest)
Thought it was pretty good myself. We are a Dark People.

Hunted near Mountain Meadow Massacre site twice. Natl. Monument Site.
Locals tear down any signs and deny. Very strange folks around there.
Very strange indeed...crazy that the site was originally donated to the LDS so they could "discourage" visitors.
Very strange indeed...crazy that the site was originally donated to the LDS so they could "discourage" visitors.
I do a lot of hiking in northeast UT and southwest WY. It’s pretty cool to follow the exact trails as early settlers. And crazy to imagine how they got wagon trains through some it! There’s one section called Little Emigration Canyon that’s a 4.5 mile single track thru a narrow canyon with thick vegetation and 1500’ of elevation gain. It took the Donner Party several days to bushwhack their way thru it. Looking at it you can understand why they were so far behind schedule by the time they hit the Sierra Nevada. Jim Bridger played a prominent role in that as well - as he was encouraging settlers to take a new and shorter route thru UT to CA vs. the more manageable Oregon Trail thru southern ID. Between navigating through the Wasatch and then the massive waterless desert known as the Salt Flats to the west of SLC, it turned out to not be such a good idea.
Religion: Always has an ugly side... Christians burning women alive at the stake (Heretics) and yes, even Mormons Mountain Meadows Massacre and opposition to the U.S. Gov't, SCOTUS ruling against polygamy (Young had some 50 wives).
Current, I have great friends who are Native American, Muslim, Christian, Mormon, etc. Seems good can sprout from just about any background. I know, lets tear down every historical statue! (I jest)
Thats a lot of honey dos lol
How's the quality compare to the TV adaptation of Philipp Meyer's book 'The Son'? One of my favorite books of all time, thought the show was awful. Thoughts?
Don’t have an answer, but I also loved reading ‘The Son.’ Read many atrocious reviews of the show and skipped watching.
After reading Jim Bridgers Biography, I was pleased to see a movie portrayal of his fort and the LDS vs Bridger relationship. I really wasn't invested in the main characters as much as reacting like this when there was a reference to a real event or person


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