Caribou Gear

Negative Point Creep

Since we’re in Speculation City, I’m wondering how the elk draw delay is going to effect the other draws in Wyoming this year. I’ll be putting in for a deer tag that I should be able to draw in the special, but worry that creep will hit worse for deer and antelope given any folks that pull out of the elk draw this year but who still want to hunt Wyoming. Maybe the two don’t translate and the elk draw has no influence on the amount of people who put in for deer and/or antelope and I’m just being paranoid because I want to draw the tag real bad. Pointless use of headspace, but it’s there nonetheless. I’m eagerly awaiting the official May 1 tag quota numbers...
I wonder if the Special draw will have less creep than normal this year. Five months is a long time for folks to let go of $1200.

Lets see. $1200 x 20% Stock market gain x .3 years= $72 missed.........or being conservative $1200 x 2% interest x.3 years = exactly $7.2 interest missed...........I guess I will skip a meal or three at McD and put in, but it will hurt. I don't think anyone will miss their $1200.....let the point creep continue...sadly
Go for it!

I love your handle by the way. Nice to see something that isn't 20th or 21st century while around here.

several years back, they allowed .38 or larger, exposed hammer, single shot rifles in place of muzzleloaders for our primitive firearms season. I came across the H&R Target Classic in .38-55 WIN. What a joy to shoot and carry. Good deer killer as well, within 150 yards.
I just saw on another site where someone was considering cashing in 10 points on a general elk tag. I don’t have any solid plans for the elk points I have so I’m totally cool with those in front of me burning them and getting out

I thought I was a sure thing on a pronghorn tag a couple years ago but the unit jumped 2 pt’s and left me out. I’m hoping to spend them this year but need to do some more studying on what will meet my desires and see what creep has continued to do
Not elk but there was a 0 point pronghorn unit that had an increase in percentage of people who successfully drew. Quota increase and less applicants.
Some of my coworkers had no idea they are holding the money until June until I told them this week. If a lot of that is going around, I suspect odds will trend as usual.

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