Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Nebraska “slam” attempt

Lost the chess match with a big buck tonight. Bad timing on a rattle on my part. He musta been on the other side of a little cedar draw behind me when I did. He immediately circled downwind and I saw him about 75 yards. He knew something was up, but not spooked. He dove back in the cedars and I fully expected him to come out in front of me where most bucks do so when he disappeared I turned to shoot there. After a minute or so he never showed, so I turned back around and he popped back out where he was before and now he had me pegged. He just kinda wandered away after that. A really nice 145-150” 5x5. Sometimes you just gotta tip your cap that they outsmarted ya.
Lost the chess match with a big buck tonight. Bad timing on a rattle on my part. He musta been on the other side of a little cedar draw behind me when I did. He immediately circled downwind and I saw him about 75 yards. He knew something was up, but not spooked. He dove back in the cedars and I fully expected him to come out in front of me where most bucks do so when he disappeared I turned to shoot there. After a minute or so he never showed, so I turned back around and he popped back out where he was before and now he had me pegged. He just kinda wandered away after that. A really nice 145-150” 5x5. Sometimes you just gotta tip your cap that they outsmarted ya.
I bet you tip your cap a lot don't you
I’m back out with my sister in law to find her a cow. Crops up here are all still in and wind is a steady 30 gusts of 50. Ideal for spot and stalk, not ideal for ambush. I blew a stalk on an ok Muley buck this morning. I’m gonna give @Backofbeyond s advice if not being seen a try tomorrow. I doubt it works though.
How did your family draw so many elk tags/permits?
Luck. Cow tags are about 1/4 odds. So that’s reasonable. I had 8 Nebraska bonus points which meant I had ~5% chance to draw the tag I did. My mother in law had 1 point and about 1% chance to draw. Just really lucky.
1/4 odds for cows is pretty high. There must be a lot more elk in Nebraska than I realized. Did I drive right by good elk country on my trip through the state on I80?
1/4 odds for cows is pretty high. There must be a lot more elk in Nebraska than I realized. Did I drive right by good elk country on my trip through the state on I80?
Most people don’t apply for cow tags. There’s elk from Wyoming to almost Kearney on I80. One actually got hit on 80 between Omaha and Lincoln a few weeks ago
Lost the chess match with a big buck tonight. Bad timing on a rattle on my part. He musta been on the other side of a little cedar draw behind me when I did. He immediately circled downwind and I saw him about 75 yards. He knew something was up, but not spooked. He dove back in the cedars and I fully expected him to come out in front of me where most bucks do so when he disappeared I turned to shoot there. After a minute or so he never showed, so I turned back around and he popped back out where he was before and now he had me pegged. He just kinda wandered away after that. A really nice 145-150” 5x5. Sometimes you just gotta tip your cap that they outsmarted ya.
Great White Buffalo.
After I crawled down I moved my stand this morning. About 100 yards to the SE to be on the downwind side of where these deer seem to want to move. I have a few other stands I’ve debated sitting, but this is an Adam Dunn stand. (Low average but high probability of a HR for you non baseball fans)

Hoping this move may trick that buck I saw last night, if he makes the same loop he’s in deep trouble of getting shot………..at.
After I crawled down I moved my stand this morning. About 100 yards to the SE to be on the downwind side of where these deer seem to want to move. I have a few other stands I’ve debated sitting, but this is an Adam Dunn stand. (Low average but high probability of a HR for you non baseball fans)

Hoping this move may trick that buck I saw last night, if he makes the same loop he’s in deep trouble of getting shot………..at.
If you miss, we will never forgive you. :)
If you miss, we will never forgive you. :)
I’d rather miss than cripple one. My stands are pretty much all setup for 20 yard shots. I practice at long distances, I feel confident to 60, but that’s too much flight time for a WT IMO. I’ll shoot 40 at a deer that had no clue, but big bucks are usually on alert. A lot can go wrong with a buck jumping the string in 40 yards and I’ve learned that the hard way too many times. Get em close and send one through the pump house. I always double groupings when accounting for adrenaline. So a 2” group at 20 is 4”. Still a dead deee. 6” at 30 also. 8” at 40…….. well msybe.
I’m pretty pumped for the next few days. Only the 2 bucks and 5 does tonight, but it feels like a spot I’ll catch a big one cruising for does in.
Appears that way. Before long the big boys will use those same trails in daylight hours. Good luck man.

Ps- still waiting on a few dead ones for the extended slam.

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