Kenetrek Boots

Nebraska “slam” attempt

The failure is real. I’ll most likely never live down having failed at completing a completely made up slam that wasn’t only made up but self made up. I’d like to preface my excuses by saying I don’t like making excuses……..

Nah, I didn’t fill the 2 tags that are the easiest to get. The mule deer was a little bit of a challenge just because I had to travel to hunt them, I did make my last trip out last week, I got into a couple decent bucks but they just didn’t excite me. One was a decent 4 point, the other a tall 3 point. I was within range of both of them but it just wasn’t right. If I have to talk myself into shooting something it isn’t worth it. I did see 2 big ones deep on a private ranch that’s leased for deer hunting but they weren’t coming off. The whitetail thing is just a massive failure in my part, I made some mistakes out if stubborness and then just dumb missing the one with the muzzleloader.

Overall 2022 was a hell of a year for me. Even though the elk hunt was short it was all I wanted out of it. I got to hunt elk with my mother in law, and sister in law as well. I got my wife out west to chase deer and was really excited for her. I met a few HT’ers, even got to hunt with a crazy one. I caught myself several times thinking about shooting a deer and had to ask myself if I was going to shoot because I thought it was right or because I wanted to complete my made up slam. I know a lot if you are to the point I am where it’s not about the killing, it’s about the hunt and filling a tag with the right critter. That doesn’t always mean the biggest, just the one that fits the bill. I hope all of you have a wonderful 2023, thanks for following along on my bumbling idiot thread and making it so much fun.

I think @FruitSnackFreak was right, I jinxed myself by shaving the crappy stache.

Sorry for the bitter disappointment, but I’m sure you all seen it coming. 🤣

Sounds like you have a case of the "Full Freezer Syndrome". I'd love to be so lucky, but I am fine with many fewer pounds of groceries.

Always next year and some other made up benchmark.
I figured I’d revive this thread instead of creating a new nightmare. I’ll spare you all the *hitty shooting pics, and off topic commentary (yeah right).

My wife, mother in law, and family friend all have Nebraska cow tags. Very hard tag to fill, but I think my wife is so determined we’ll get it done. My sister in law has the same bull tag I did last year so she’s excited.

This will also be my sons first year with a deer tag in his pocket, so I’m bowing out for the most part of deer hunting and helping him.

Now comes the part where I’m again the butthole of the family. I’m planning on being gone for a week taking my bow on a sight seeing tour of the Colorado mountains for a week including the opener of my sister in laws bull rifle opener. It just fit my buddy’s schedule that way. The mustache thing has been discussed at length in negotiations with my wife. She said with as many faults and problems as I have that may be the straw that breaks the camels back. As much as being single and spending all my time and effort on hunting I would kinda miss the old broad.

She did let me pick out the theme song for the fall.
I also wanted to revive this so newbies could look at this and probably move on to another hunting forum for any form of hunting advice or skill. Kind of a “what not to do” community service like the guy that comes to the schools to talk about his past drug abuse experience.