Nebraska Deer


Sep 13, 2016
McFarland, WI
Hey gang - Newbie here. Veteran of other forum sites, but new to hunt talk.

I'm heading to Nebraska in November for the rifle deer season (on my own on public land) and am curious if anyone has experience in the Sandhills unit. I've done pretty extensive online scouting and my specific questions are as follows:
1. Any insight as to the hunting pressure the McKelvie National Forest sees? I suspect it gets hit pretty hard.
2. Anyone spend any time around the Merritt Reservoir?
3. The maps of the McKelvie show an awful lot of roads in there. I'm suspecting the area sees a lot of road hunters so I'm curious if there are decent areas where a guy can get away from motors. I know it's small in terms of national forest land and with all the roads I'm just not sure how to feel about this area.

I'm not asking anyone to give up their hunting spots. Just trying to learn more about the area from any of you who may have hunted there before!

Thanks, folks!
One thing I would say is avoid the weekends if you can. I was out there on a goat hunt last few days. The weekend had much more pressure from the Nebraska folks. It cleared out on Sunday afternoon.
Those are good areas and produce some great bucks from time to time. I sure wouldn't hunt them, but that is just me. I don't like crowded areas. If you are willing to pick the most remote part of it and hike, you will probably have a good hunt. I know a guy that has hunted the Halsey Forest for a long time. He usually does ok, but has figured out where to get away from the other people. I think it was last year that he and his brother killed the only bucks they saw during the hunt.
Thanks for the reply. I'm planning to stay for the whole season and figured things would calm down after opening weekend. That's been my experience hunting just about anywhere out west (I'm from Wisconsin).
I've been pouring over the Pine Ridge unit as well just because there is more public land available there and (I think) the same number of tags as Sandhills. I don't like hunting in a crowd either and that's my biggest concern with the McKelvie. I'll keep digging and settle on one of the two and give it a whirl. I'm confident I can find deer once I get there, I just need to settle on a spot and pick out some areas that look interesting.
I would tend to look closer at the Pine Ridge area, if for no other reason than it is prettier country. Both will produce a good deer if you can hang in there. The Metcalf area north of Hay Springs is rough country and has good mulies and white-tails if you work for them.

Good luck and have fun.
I would tend to look closer at the Pine Ridge area, if for no other reason than it is prettier country. Both will produce a good deer if you can hang in there. The Metcalf area north of Hay Springs is rough country and has good mulies and white-tails if you work for them.

Good luck and have fun.

I appreciate the response. I really do. I'll keep digging through the maps. It'll be fun regardless of outcome...and I get to hunt a new place!
I've been hunting Pine Ridge for a few years now. Always do well IF you are willing to walk a bit.
Lots of truck hunters, which I never understand. Plenty of deer if you're willing to spend some boot leather.
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