PEAX Equipment

ND Newbie


May 1, 2018
North Dakota
Another new guy here and am looking forward to learning from and participating in several of these forum topics. I have been lurking on a few different sights for a couple of years now and finally figured it was time to take full advantage of a couple of my favorites and become a member.

I am a lifelong resident of central ND, with the exception of being stationed in Utah for 4 years during the late 90s, lifelong hunter and outdoorsman, and still a member of the Air Force after 24 years. Grew up hunting the game of the northern plains but seem to have shifted my passion to chasing the magnificent elk. Have traveled to WY for about the past 10 years and starting this year have broadened my horizons by applying in multiple states. Count me in as one of the extremely lucky ones who drew a NM 16c late rifle so I am extremely excited to learn all that I can. Been wearing out my Youtube account watching Randy's videos ever since the drawing was held.
I don't discriminate between the two. Well maybe I do a little as I will never be a "Fighting Hawk" fan but will always be a Fighting Sioux fan.
Welcome from another North Dakota resident. Sioux Yeah Yeah!
I don't discriminate between the two. Well maybe I do a little as I will never be a "Fighting Hawk" fan but will always be a Fighting Sioux fan.

You fly for the National Guard Happy Hooligans, or is the nickname just a coincidence - used to be neighbors with their lead guy in Fargo in the 80's.
Good catch on the Hooligan nickname. I'm not a flyer, wasn't smart enough to take that route when I was young and full of energy, but I am a full time member of the Happy Hooligans.
Welcome from Minot! By the way, it's okay to be a UND hockey fan and a NDSU football fan...that's how our families have survived over the years.
I know exactly how that goes. Growing up in the central part of the state I had no particular loyalties to either program and enjoy seeing both of them be successful.
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