Kenetrek Boots

NASCAR Fantasy League, any interest?

Bowyer surprised me driving back up to 10th! Going to miss him on the track next year but he's a hoot in the booth!
Well, there's ANOTHER nightmare race in the books! Any wrong pick I could make, I did. Nice to see my boy Logano win, but I really can't seem to put a team together lately. 3 to go!
I was glad to see Logano pull that one off too! Hard to ask for much more ending on a mile and a half! My picks have gotten pretty easy, I’m out of everybody you’d want to pick on the middle tier guys... Poor planning on my part 🤷🏻‍♂️
I just seemed to have bad luck. Hamlin and Harvick was literally a coin flip for me on who to start. Strike one! Kurt Busch blew up. Strike two. Busy making dinner and missed what happened to Jones putting him a lap down. Strike three! Out of uses for Bowman, Blaney and Almirola or I would have used one of them instead of Jones. Don't know. Too late now! I'll try again for Texas. Have to try to climb back up into 2nd! ;)
I’m just hoping that we can get 2 different guys to win Texas and Martinsville and bump Hamlin, not a fan being able to stack up playoff points all season and buy your way into the main event. Kills the purpose of the playoff system
I think wins should be rewarded. I think Harvick is going to win next week, and Truex is going to win Martinsville. Hamlin will have to perform to race in the championship.
I’m just hoping that we can get 2 different guys to win Texas and Martinsville and bump Hamlin, not a fan being able to stack up playoff points all season and buy your way into the main event. Kills the purpose of the playoff system
So what if 2 non-playoff drivers win the next 2 races? By that logic Logano should be declared the champ because he won his way in? Hard to say one way or the other when our opinions don't matter and we can't come up with a solution that makes sense. I just have fun watching the races and TRYING to beat you guys! Not doing so well at the latter right now. :rolleyes: Got a lot of ground to make up in this session, and HOPEFULLY I can stay on top for the season. It'll be a close one! It's been fun regardless, and I will FOR SURE have another league going next year.
So what if 2 non-playoff drivers win the next 2 races? By that logic Logano should be declared the champ because he won his way in? Hard to say one way or the other when our opinions don't matter and we can't come up with a solution that makes sense. I just have fun watching the races and TRYING to beat you guys! Not doing so well at the latter right now. :rolleyes: Got a lot of ground to make up in this session, and HOPEFULLY I can stay on top for the season. It'll be a close one! It's been fun regardless, and I will FOR SURE have another league going next year.
This has been fun, wish I had made a few better picks and if we could recruit a couple more folks even better! It’s true, our opinions don’t matter! Should have clarified my statement, I’m assuming (dangerous) playoff drivers are most likely to win the next two. If it’s someone besides Harvick or Hamlin one of them will be left out of the final 4. My suggestion for the playoff points would be to reset them after each round, so you have to perform in each round to advance. The regular season shouldn’t carry you through those rounds.
Well, we've made 14 pages so far! I know a few others have been checking in on the thread, maybe next season they will man up and take us on! 😈
With Hilljack hitting the wall with his throttle stuck wide open and his mangled team back in the hauler in 100 pieces, it would be good to get a little more competition next year.😈
Alrighty then! The weather-delayed race is, once again, weather-delayed... Raining in Texas and snowing here in Illinois. Laid off from work for another week and now I have to go do some shopping. Nothing to hunt, stuck at home with the wife for a week, WAITING for the race to continue... :rolleyes:

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