Nanny Problems - Oh Yeah, I’ve Got Them (a goat hunt)

Oh, I could care less about what others think of my hat. It has a built in sweat band, dries quickly, meets the fluorescent requirement (not needed on this hunt), and has a soft brim. When glassing or shooting one quick flip and the brim is out of my way. No more adjusting your hat or hitting it on the scope or binos.

Late entry related to fashion forward consciousness & the IDGAF attitude has removed the penalty for cheese pizza.

Judges award the poster the following:

The RuPaul award for letting your freak flag fly

The John Denver award for most ridges traversed with a gun bearer in tow (Rocky Mtn High indeed)

And 793 stars for ensuring the family had a role in the adventure.

Really well done, @Dsnow9 - thanks for taking us along for the ride!

Great adventure and story!
Really liked all the photos too.
I think unless you are around Mtn Goats a lot it’s very hard to really judge Horn length. Picking the nannies from the younger billies can be challenging.
Late entry related to fashion forward consciousness & the IDGAF attitude has removed the penalty for cheese pizza.

Judges award the poster the following:

The RuPaul award for letting your freak flag fly

The John Denver award for most ridges traversed with a gun bearer in tow (Rocky Mtn High indeed)

And 793 stars for ensuring the family had a role in the adventure.

Really well done, @Dsnow9 - thanks for taking us along for the ride!

RuPaul and Kombucha on the same thread?!?!?!?! This ain't your Daddy's hunttalk thread. ;)
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Nicely done on both fronts, hunting AND storytelling.

Extra props for the booch. Or as it's referred to in my family "go poop juice."
Great story and pics!! Congrats on the goat.
Thanks for the great write-up.
The hat is growing on me. Guess I woulda picked the kids pizza out of those two choices also.
Nice goat and story! After helping my buddy with his goat tag this year I can fully appreciate the difficulties of judging goats, nice work!