Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Name my son for me.

Maximus seems like a strong name.
Walker, good choice.
Fisher, excellent choice for future fishing addict.
Greg or John (not Gregory or Jonathon unless that's what you're actually calling them), straightforward boy's names and don't have to ask how it's spelled.
You could go with a rendition of George Bird Grinnell who formed the B&C with Teddy Roosevelt. Or Aldo after Aldo Leupold in the same theme.
So when my wife and I found out in 2006 we were having a boy we wanted to have a solid name at birth. We came up with a decent way to name him.

My middle name is Robert, my wifes maden name was Allen. My stepdads middle name is Allen also and goes by that. So we choose the middle name firat Allen, now we needed a name that flowed when yelling at him ya know! So we came up with Tyler Allen.

Now when we found out we were having a second son in 2010 we choose to do the same thing. My Grandpa and Unles had Robert as their first name. So it was easy to choose the first name. Now to the middle name, again it had to flow. My other late uncle who passed before I was born was named James, so we choose Robert James.

Another idea to conside is how their name can be used throughout their years.

Robert can be Rob, Robby or even Bob! Other names could also used in various spellings. Or as intinals like CJ.

Either way, congratulations and start saving the pennies now, it’ll add up in 18 years!

Hunter—has been mentioned

I also like an unusual name Kjel with the silent j. I met a kid named that and just seemed cool
I didn't read ALL of the 6 pages of replies, and not sure if it was listed, but if I ever had another Son, I would name him "Hunter". I know of several young men with that name in my area.
Had everyone convinced my son's name was gonna be Ruttin Buck, even had his diaper bag personalized with that name on it.
We named him Haydn Hunter
Growing up, there was this Samoan kid named Avery that everyone was afraid of. We got along really well and I thought he was a cool dude, tough, and had a cool name that I only knew one of..
Half my wife’s family is from Avery Idaho, so we agreed “Avery” was a great name. Has my fathers name, James as his middle name, so AJ for short..
The following year Avery was number one on baby names. I was in shock. Worst part, it was all girls!?? It still makes me irate 😂

Now he’s the only boy with that name and sometimes gets upset…. Shoulda just named him Sue….
We decided with our second boy that we needed a name nobody else had. We came up with Lucius. Latin for the “light” and call him Luca for short. Of course Lucius clay was the bad guy in Charlie Daniels’ song, and Luca Brasi was the enforcer in the Godfather.. perfect he’ll be a badass! The following year or two they come out with the movie of some weak ass kid eating gelato.. unbelievable!? You can’t win dude, just name him John or Jim or somethin 🤣😂
Better than Lucifer^...badass extraordinaire.
Always liked Luca Brasi, though.
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