
Name my son for me.

Seems there's a lot of guys on here shooting blanks who are living vicariously because their baby naming days have long passed into the sunset.

The thread asked for name suggestions that are "normal" but not "used up." Seems these days the norm is to pick abnormal names: Tyler, Hunter, Hayden, etc, etc. No one names their kids John, or William any more. Or Frank. There's a name that was extremely popular through the first half of the twentieth century, but I don't know anyone named Frank born the last fifty years.
Lewis. But not Louis or people may inadvertently think he's Loo-ee, which I've always thought sounds like a stain in the toilet.
Glad you guys didn't have a say in my name.
Actually, "Hank" was one of my suggestions for my son's name. Wife and my mom both just looked at me. "What do you want for a middle name to go with that, Loogie?" Sigh. I kinda liked it.
Easy to yell, manly and a weapon.
I was going to suggest that but that is my name and I find it rather awkward to ask a man to name his son after me. I guess it isn't as awkward as it would be if I was friends with his wife.

Everyone seems to assume that Wild Bill will like his new son. But if that isn't the case, I would suggest Eugene.
Bart....simple and easy although it rhymes with some not so pleasant things it will thicken his skin throughout his younger years or ruin his self esteem. Don't ask me how I know
The boy showed up yesterday morning and went unnamed for about a half hour while we enjoyed his presence. My wife ended up relinquishing naming rights to me, and despite the (mostly) great names presented here we went with Samuel. My 2-1/2 year old son was lobbying hard for “Mercury” or “Little Jupiter” as he’s obsessed with planets right now. Samuel looks to fit him.
The boy showed up yesterday morning and went unnamed for about a half hour while we enjoyed his presence. My wife ended up relinquishing naming rights to me, and despite the (mostly) great names presented here we went with Samuel. My 2-1/2 year old son was lobbying hard for “Mercury” or “Little Jupiter” as he’s obsessed with planets right now. Samuel looks to fit him.
Congratulations. Glad everything came out okay. That name will work fine. I was going to suggest Gardiner. Saw it on movie credits the other day and liked the sound.
Dang missed this one. I’ve got a bunch of goofy names but if my wife and I have another son it’ll be Eldon. Dunno why, always likened that name.
The boy showed up yesterday morning and went unnamed for about a half hour while we enjoyed his presence. My wife ended up relinquishing naming rights to me, and despite the (mostly) great names presented here we went with Samuel. My 2-1/2 year old son was lobbying hard for “Mercury” or “Little Jupiter” as he’s obsessed with planets right now. Samuel looks to fit him.

Congratulations. Samuel will work. But I like your son's ideas :)

I remember Mercury Morris (football player) but I don't recall any Jupiters.
I don't know what your religious leanings are, but I've always favored Hebrew names for boys...and girls. Jacob, Joshua, Samuel, and Noah are among my favorites.
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