PEAX Equipment

Name & fee change coming to NM

20 years and the price goes up $10...................................LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
I believe that SB5 is heading to the senate finance committee next.
Write the members of the committee and give them your thoughts on this bill. SFC members are as follows:

Senator George K. Muñoz 4DChair
Senator Benny Shendo, Jr. 22DVice Chair
Senator Craig W. Brandt 40RRanking Member
Senator Pete Campos 8DMember
Senator Roberto "Bobby" J. Gonzales 6DMember
Senator Steve D. Lanier 2RMember
Senator Michael Padilla 14DMember
Senator Jeff Steinborn 36DMember
Senator Nicole Tobiassen 21RMember
Senator Linda M. Trujillo 24DMember
Senator Pat Woods
Looks like this bill is pretty close to passing the legislature. I raised my concern with hunters and anglers only holding one seat. Seems the NM wildlife orgs aren’t terribly concerned. Pretty dangerous precedent going forward considering what happened in WA and what’s happening CO. Wildlife For All is headquartered in NM, they will dictate those appointments, no doubt. Could pack the commission with anti-hunting activists to push their agenda.

Disclaimer: Not a NM resident, just a concerned individual who hunts there regularly.