Yeti GOBOX Collection

Name Calling

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
I thought it had been generally agreed-upon long ago that making fun of or altering someone's user name was childish and not aceptable, even here? This was even before Elkchsr was on the forum? Does anyone else remember that? Ithaca? Del? It had gotten very bad - Ithaca became Idiotca or some such and it just promoted name-calling and other non-productive and unintelligent responses - creative, maybe, but not part of adult behavior or discourse.

So please knock off the name-calling or changing of people's user names.

This isn't the Pig Pen - that was eliminted long ago.
I don't care if you call me "Cali." (And I'm sure Tom will let you keep calling him "Tom." ;) )

We just had things get really out of hand at one point, and changing someone's user name around in a derogatory manner is just another form of name-calling. So I thought I would mention it before it sinks to the level of some other forums I've been to...

Cali I remember the days of the pig pen. I also remember the days of name editing.

With the exception of Moosie changing Someones name / profile and a few other details on H.I.S.
it isnt cool

LOL Cali.....

So Besides Delw, Does anyone remember when I ... Errrrr I mean "SOMEONE" changed 280's profile on H.I.S. and it said he was a Sheep lover as an ocupation and the Article he cut and Pasted about Elk Farming got changed to Yetti and Aliens.. I think my Cell Phone bill went up about $100 that month but it was Funnier then chit !!! And it was up there a good Week before he Realised it. BOY was he MAD :D :D
I have No problem with My Nick names

I just thought you always called me "EG, You are Correct"????
I like Moosie's name for you better: Elf Gummer

I made on mistake and said you were correct about something. I will never make that mistake again. :D :D


EG how did you get your name? ;)

I think I am going to change my screen name to EGYouAreCorrect , and DEMAND that you call me that....

Are we required to put the "W" on Del? Are we required to put the "W" on Newmont?

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