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N.J. Governor Resigns, Admits He Is Gay

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
I always thought those NJ politicians were gayer than a tree fulla chickadees! :D

TRENTON, N.J. - In a stunning declaration, Gov. James E. McGreevey announced his resignation Thursday and acknowledged that he had an extramarital affair with another man. "My truth is that I am a gay American," he said.

"Shamefully, I engaged in adult consensual affairs with another man, which violates my bonds of matrimony," the married father of two said. "It was wrong, it was foolish, it was inexecusable."

He may have been gay, but he ok'ed the first black bear hunt in a loooong time in NJ, also gave the green light for this year too!
Yeah Cali...I think they're Calvin Kleins...

Ithaca- do you really think these guys(?) are all born gay or that its a product of their environment kinda thing (the ol' nature vs. nurture)?? I mean how does this Gov. just get out of the sack one morning and say to himself "today is the day I cheat on the Mrs. with the mechanic?" Crap like that makes my skin crawl...course being from Northern California I'm a little homophobic anyway.....
Marv, I think gays are born that way. I don't think they make a decision that they're going to be attracted to others of their same gender. If it's a decision, could you make it? I've known kids I thought were gay from the time they were five years old, long before they even started thinking about sex, and they turned out to be when they got older. I also think some people are bi-sexual. Maybe that's a better description of what the NJ governor is.

I really don't care what anyones sexual persuasion is. And I don't hate anyone or even dislike them if they're gay. Worrying about homosexuals is way far down on my list of things to spend time worrying about-------right down with the price of tea in China. :D
Originally posted by Ithaca 37:
cjcj, There's no doubt in my mind that he was born gay. I don't think people decide to be gay. Suppose someone offered to pay you a million bucks to be gay for a month. Could you do it?
As long as i didn`t have to have " gay sex" and all i had to do was act gay, i could do it for a Million, but there ain`t no way i could do "un-natural" acts! but i think Moosie would.

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