
My Two-year HOWA Experiment

one of the best feeling, shooting, game harvesting rifle, i have felt, and many customers borrowed was a remington ks mtn rifle, 24in barrel in 280, we loaned that rifle to many people in the 10 years i was around it, it wore a 3.5x10 leupold in talleys, many people tried to buy it after using it and i sold many duplicates of it, i wish remington would of kept produc8ng that package, howa could easily dupe it
I am not a package gun guy myself but like the idea of a quality rifle paired with a quality scope. All the package guns I've see are a little too 'budget friendly' with cheap plastic stocks and throwaway scopes. It should be a nice option for folks looking for a one and done rifle/scope combo with a big step up in quality from other package gun combos.

I'd be remiss if i didn't put a plug in for us lefty's. It probably won't happen but Howa has at least one sold if they should ever drop.
I would have been all over one of these rifles. I am relatively new to rifle hunting and just bought the Howa Kuiu .308 and topped it with a Leupold VX3-I with CDS and Talley rings.
For the intended audience, these rifles are going to be spot on. The intended audience is not going to study the nuanced differences between the 30-06 and the 308. They also aren't likely to care that the 7-08 has been around as a hunting cartridge significantly longer than the 6.5. They won't know the difference 2 inches of barrel does (or doesn't) make. They will just want to know what works without years of study or experience.
As someone who loves the 7mm08, I sure don't expect to pick up shells at the store anymore. If it wasn't for internet ordering, I probably wouldn't carry it every fall hunting
Man, give me a 7-08 all day long over a 6.5 CM. 7-08 is a hunting cartridge, 6.5 is for target shooting.

Apparently you’ve never hunted with one. It’s funny how the creed isn’t thought of as a hunting cartridge and yet the 6.5x55 has been killing moose in Europe for a very long time. Compare the ballistics of the two and you’ll see that they’re very similar.
I really like the CDS system but I use it a little differently than just the custom made turret. During the summer I shoot target bullets (similar ballistic coefficient ) at paper and steel from hunting positions using the MOA turret. In my case I shoot ballistic tips for target then switch to Accubonds for hunting. About 6 weeks before I go hunting I recheck my zero (250 yards on all of my rifles) put on the custom dial and practice with the hunting bullets at various ranges. I have found the CDS system to be very effective and simple.
I own a 6.5 CM (Begara HMR) for target shooting. My impressions of the 6.5 are it would be a fine deer and antelope round. Is it better than a 270 or 7mm-08; nope it is just being marketed as the end-all to do-all. While the 6.5x55 has been killing moose for a long time the scandinavian countries, hunting their is highly regulate the hunters abliltiies (pass a shooting test). The shots are usually close range in some cases using dogs to drive the moose. Most of the posts I read are of yahoos wanting to shooting something well past 400 yards. As an older yahoo, this is beyond my capabilities after huffing up some 9000 ft mountain. Bottom line for me-- 6.5 is not an elk cartridge. Popular yes, but not for elk.
Looking forward to these rifles. Our household is in the market for another rifle as kids grow. These will get a close look.

At my competent hunting ranges the game isn’t going to know if it was shot by a 7mm08 with a 20” barrel or 300 with a 26” barrel. All of these options will be sufficient.
Outside of personal preference or nostalgia, not much provided by the .270/.30-06 that can't be covered with the 7mm Rem Mag or .308 Win. for the person "looking for one rifle." If someone is dead set on a .270/.30-06, they should buy a rifle in those cartridges and put the rest of it together how they see fit.
If I walk into a gas station in Froid MT to buy a box of ammo because, heaven forbid I forgot it, or already used it, or... whatever, I'm only going to find 2 of your 5 calibers on the ammo shelf in the corner. But there will be plenty of -06 and 270 sitting there. And to say that .308 can do anything a .270... ok, then by that logic the .308 can do anything that ANY of those other 4 calibers can do, so why have 5?

It is what it is. I'm not in any need to buy another elk rifle. And clearly you and Howa can make all the conclusions you guys want with regard to their rifles.
Although I do not hunt with the 4 calibers decided upon, I congratulate you for a job well done. Two years, is not a knee jerk reaction but a decision made on a lot of research as well as years of rifle/hunting knowledge plus hands on testing. Well done! I believe many first time hunters will benefit from your effort. Thank you

Was a stock for females considered sir or is that market still to small ? Probably even smaller than gentlemen shooting left handed and I see that is not being considered .
Admire that you logically thought this out. I love a pairing of a good rifle and a good scope. Will Howa call the 5 rifle group the Big Fin!
Kudos to Randy and Howa for tackling this project. As we are quickly seeing, there is no way whatsoever to make everyone happy when it comes to cartridge selection. We have the innate ability to become endlessly mired in the significance of 0.5 mm of bullet diameter, 10 grains of bullet weight, and 75 fps of muzzle velocity. I've yet to see an animal that could detect any of these alone, or in combination, when they were hit with said bullet in the vitals.

I actually like the selections, because they eliminate some of the overlap/redundancy that is so prevalent amongst cartridge selections. I've been hunting for a lot of years, and I've yet to have to run into the store in Froid to buy ammo, so that logic doesn't bear much fruit in my humble opinion.

Most beginner hunters have not developed the OCD tendencies of worrying about 2" of barrel length, 6 oz. of rifle weight, and the benefits of short action vs. long action.
Sounds like you and the folks at Howa have come up with a sweet product. Love that the VX-3i is on those rifles. Such a great scope for the money. I may have missed it but what other options are being considered for the 5th chambering?
Hey Big Fin,

I for one am excited about these packages if they perform out to 400 yards without me doing Kentucky windage 😃👍. They will be amazing and it will probably motivate me to purchase a 300 win mag in this package.

You shouldn't have any trouble with that!
Sucks for me, I'm left handed.
However I love the scope choice. So many times these packages come with entry level type scopes.
As to guess is $1000, add $100 for magnums. Just spitballing

I'm really curious on the price too. I think $1,000 is probably a little too steep for the intended audience, but I don't know how much lower they can get it. I'm crossing my fingers (but not holding my breath) that they'll be closer to $700 than $1,000.
Wonder if BF expected these type of replies? Probably

Glad to see you kept the .300 WM in the list. Should be a go to for many