Caribou Gear Tarp

My shooting instructor


New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
Well I have a new shooting instructor now. He is a bit younger at only 3 years old but don't let that young age fool you, he speaks up quick when I miss the target!

Too bad he's holding a range finder and not binoculars not to mention he is holding it backward too! funny how little boys want to do exactly what they see adults do, if they think it's "cool"

Gotta be very careful what I do around him now!

Those "earmuffs" remind me of my son and our dove hunting trips. They sure soak up everything we say and do.

you mean that's not the right way to use a rangefinder---oooopppppsss---thanks for settin' me straight----

my boys always did that same thing with Bino's---chris
I always wonder who his father is because he is a hella clever little bugger. My wife is 5'10" and blonde, also much younger then I am. The possibility exists I suppose!

His hair is light brown, kinda dark blonde. It's not red but I can see in the photo how it looks like that. Anyhow he's a load of fun for me regardless of origin! He was born at 6 months old and was only as big as a squirrel. Now he is almost 40 pounds and just 3 years old. We are off to go shoot more carp today. I have killed almost 1000 this year. He loves pulling the line in after I whack a big one!
Now those are some pigs... Looks like some of them could suck up our shooting instructor... :D
thats got to be a blast!......what in the hell do you do with all those carp?when me and my brothers were kids fishing, if we caught any carp we would give them to the naziggers.
The freaking Koreans love that shit here. they tell us to throw the bass we catch onto the shore to die so they don't compete with there pecious Carp. yuck :( . and no wonder i can't catch a bass over a pound here the shore is covered with dead bass from the Koreans. :MAD

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