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My first goat kill (without a fence post anyway)


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Well I finally broke down and applied for an antelope rifle tag. Most of the hunting I see up here on public land/Block management is a circus with vehicles every where and 'lopes running around in circles. I applied for an area that has a huge area with foot traffic only, so I gave it a shot.

There were a few folks, but I was the only yea-hoo that decided to hike in and camp. The wind came up that evening and dirtied the sky, but here is a shot from camp. The butte in the background is Square Butte for those that know the area.

While scoping for goats, I located a decent mule deer about a half mile away, so I thought I would put the sneak on him and get a picture of him in his bed. Well I over shot the location when I came in the backside and he gave me the slip. I did get an action shot of this doe as she hit the road though.

Oh yeh, I was 'lope hunting, back to the story. At about 1:30, I was about to call it a day and head home. I changed my mind after remembering the hike out. I headed for a lookout point and was planning on spending the rest of the day dozing and glassing. On the way there, I saw a buck running across the flat. I knew that it didn't see me, so I dropped the pack and hauled ass to cut it off. Along the way, I extended the bipod and cranked up the scope. Just as I got to the ridge line, I doe bleated (I know, doe bleat?). What the hell, it worked and he stopped. I shot and took out the bottom of his heart. I little lower than where I had planned, but it did the trick and he was down after 50 yards of staggered running.

I only measured one horn and it was just over 13 1/4. I was happy with that since I was planning on shooting about anything for my first goat.

Since this was a foot traffic area only, I headed back to the truck and grabbed a frame pack. Who needs an ATV anyway. However, my legs are a bit sore today after the 1.5 mile pack out. :D

Congrats to you Miller!
First time I have seen a goat packed out whole in the running position though. On public land, your lucky if some yahoo from your backside doesn't start whacking at it! :eek:
I would guess the biggest problem with hiking in on an Antelope hunt would be the difficulty carrying the ice chest full of Brews..... :eek:

What did you drink each time you had to open a gate???

But, cool pictures on the goat, and congrats....

(PS> Let me know if you need to borrow a knife. There are lots of parts of the goat that don't need to be carried out.... :rolleyes: )
Nice goat Miller. :D If your going to show off though, try it without the pack frame and don't bother to gut him, you did gut him right? ;)
"just over 13 1/4." ... BRAGGER ;)

thats just 2 1/4" smaller then Greenhorns and 13" bigger then mine ;)

JKudos bud, Awesome pictures like always !!! Good luck on the elk and deer !!!!
Nice lope and pictures MT miller

Wow the whole lope on your pack, I will have to show Dani this one. I told her she could do that LOL

(PS> Let me know if you need to borrow a knife. There are lots of parts of the goat that don't need to be carried out.... )
Yea, I know. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Actually I had a couple of game bags, but I thought it might be fun to try anyway. I am getting soft, so it was a good workout. The goat and pack tipped the scale at 101 pounds, so it wasn't awful.

I did have to get a picture though, as I do not plan to do this again. Just another thing to mark off the list of--yes I did it, but won't do that stupid sheet again--list :D
I like th Right Arm up holding the Backpack to show the Guns off ... Nice tuch, And I thought Only I thought of stuff like that ;)
I was thinking of you when I posed. ;) Actually to stand upright, I had to pull the pack forward or I was going to tip over. :rolleyes: Next time I will flex for you.
Congrats MT,

Sounds like your experience, w/ fat azzed truck ridin hunters, was about on par w/ our experience last week! Amazing what a guy can run into when he'll actually use his feet. ;)
Congrats on the goat, Miller! Good camera work...he looks longer than 13 1/4".

Way to go! I think antelope hunting has to rank right up there in my book. Doesn't get much more fun than that! I wish I had a goat tag this year... :(
Congrats! Your's looks a bit bigger than mine or am I just that much bigger than you??? ;)

Do I need to have 'MailOrderBride' make you some gamebags?!? :D
Nice goat MT. That was your first? Thought you had taken a few. great job. Nice little pack there for ya.
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