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My fiance...


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2009
South East Colorado
I just signed her up for her Hunter Education course!! I think I'm more excited than she I bought her a .308 and she shoots the hell out of it. Looking forward to getting her a late season antelope doe tag this December!!
Sweet! I wish I my wife shared my love for hunting and the great outdoors.........but she doesn't. Guess I'll go ahead and keep her since she's so awesome in every other way though.
Oh man I forgot about the shoes rant... Pure comedy gold. The best part is the longer it went the more confusing it got if he was being serious or not.
That's awesome! My wife has been hunting with (and without) me for 25 years. She even has her own small piece of property that she obtained permission to hunt on, hunts while I'm at work.. but calls me while at work to come track, drag, and take the deer back to work to skin! She'll grab my 7mm mag sometimes before her 25/06. Uses her own climbing tree stand. Funny thing is, she could care less about antlers! She'll shot a doe that a good buck is chasing! I'm good with that! As long as she's having fun! Hearing all of that, you might think she's a big bone country gal...she's not!

Moral of the story JC, you may be creating a monster! But it can be fun!
Don't bother putting in for tags of your own; your just a guide now. Your in stow for some of your best memories.
Don't bother putting in for tags of your own; your just a guide now. Your in stow for some of your best memories.


Good luck to the ladies and congrats to you - a blessing a lot of men would love to have.
Well, Jeana and her daughter passed hunter safety this afternoon and are already planning hunting trips they want to I guess my hunting career as I know it has become a guiding career quicker than I
Well, Jeana and her daughter passed hunter safety this afternoon and are already planning hunting trips they want to I guess my hunting career as I know it has become a guiding career quicker than I

That's cool and I wish you well in your endeavors in and out of the field! How old is her daughter?
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