My Elk Story, by Indy Jay

Pretty chilling story Huntress. You certainly were an angel of mercy to that poor deer! I'm not a head shot kind of guy either. You owe the animal as clean and humane a death as possible. Trying to place a bullet in such a small target under most field conditions can make this risky....

I agree with Jason, I thought Ellie mae was a female at first. I guess he's just a man with great confidence in his sexuality... now git down to the see-ment pond and fetch yer critters, Ellie!
WOW.. I miss ALL the FUN :D :D

I made My reply on Rick's site.

1. You guys DID jump on Elliemae, But I don't like the Self ritechous types either (Even though I think he wasn't trying to be one :confused: )

2. INDY, I've wounded Game before.... I have a Moto that I shouldn't post .. BUT..... "If there is lead in the AIR... Theres a CHANCE :D) That sounds bad, but if you ALWAYS wait for the "PERFECT" shot, you will NEVER shoot. Just MY PERSONAL opinion..... One should make the best Judgement in the field as Posible though !!!

3. FUGG-getabout it !!!! Ya DIDn't get it.... YA learned something.... YA had a GOOD time.... YA DWELLED over it.... GET on with it ;)

4. I'm honored to have you "SPRINGER FANS" aboard our site :D :D

Dang!!!!!!!! in the heck did I miss all this!??!.........I musta been out of the county! :eek:

..........just wanted to say a couple of things on it..........Indy did draw his bull tag for this year, so we will be right back in that hole for round two! ;) ............and to clarify a couple of other points that were made while I wasn't looking........killing a bull elk should NEVER be trivial as one posted above......if it is, then maybe you should take up ice-dancing or something instead......and finally, was not a bad shot choice.......150 yards through thickish forest, the opening was there.......I just think it was a combintion of the bull flinching about the time of the shot, coupled with very cold fingers, and mostly... a real bad case of BULL FEVER!.......and that is what makes it such a great sport! When we get so relaxed about it that our heart doesn't jump out of our chest at the sight of a big bull,.... steam bellowing from his lungs, snot blubering from his nose as he sniffs the crisp mountain air on a frosty cold morning in the snow.......well, maybe taking up ice dancing is the answer! :rolleyes:

.........and I DO KNOW that bull was not mortally was clearly a flesh limp, no continued bleeding, all evidence clearly indicated a grazed fore leg and a little hair peeled from the brisket......and as that big boy trotted off,.....his glance back told me that he had won that round, and he lookd forward to the challenge again next year ;)

......the reason I searched the achives for this thread is a simple one.........Indy is flying out here and he and I are heading back in to do some scouting in about another week or so. We are going back to that very same spot........we'll relive it.......and learn more about that hole that seems to hold so many elk,.......and some real nice bulls. It should be great to be in there again for a few days with the horses.......old friends sipping cold ones......counting the days til tags are once again valid! ;)
:cool: DS

Did you draw any Wyoming tags? I seem to remember that you struck out on elk, how 'bout deer?

No Bill.........I didn't draw anything but a special cow hunt for the late season as a second choice.......and I will also buy a cow tag for the week I take Indy up to get that big ass bull! biggest consolation is I will be in Alaska chasing Dall Sheep in August.....hopefully my shitty luck will turn a little and I can harvest a full curl. I also will hut the wilderness in Colorado for bulls with my buddy Anaconda.........that will be a nice backcountry trip. But allin all, I had to burn my lucky leopards this year :(

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-01-2002 16:50: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
I understand. We went 0 fer everthing too.

We are going to the West Elks Wilderness for elk and deer. We did draw deer there and burnt our pref point.

Which wilderness are you going into?

Hope you have good luck in all your hunts.

West Elks.....sounds interesting......I have sogood topos of tat area, but have never been there. Dan and I will be lost some where in the top of the Flat Tops......which covers about 6 or 8 units! :eek: .......I hunted the Flat Tops 3 or 4 times.....but never as deep in as we will be going this year.......should be interesting ;) DS
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