Caribou Gear Tarp

My 2021 Iowa season

Tuesday evening was pretty interesting. Got to see a bunch of turkeys feeding in the field for awhile. Then shortly before the end of the hunt I have 2 does at 100 yards. So I'm sitting in my Turkey lounger tucked into the weed line. About 100 yards to my right I see movement. I can't get a clear view so I get on my hands and knees and crawl to the edge if the weeds. Yeah there's 2 does coming my way. I look at my watch and there's 10 minutes of shooting time left. Shooting time is a half hour after sunset plus it was some what cloudy so there wasn't much light. So I'm on the edge of the weed line on one knee and resting my elbow with the muzzleloader on the other knee. Only took about 2 minutes for my foot to fall asleep. The first doe was slowly making her way towards me. At about 70 yards she figured out something was up. Looking at my watch I have 3 minutes left. Cross hairs are dead solid on her but it's a straight on shot. With the low light conditions and a straight on shot she got a pass. Had to come home this morning to take care of a few things but will get a little hunting in here. I have until Sunday so hopefully put some meat in the freezer.
Made it out for a quick hunt Friday morning. Shooting time was 7 03 and at 7 out comes a doe into the field edge. She was a couple hundred yards away so I just slowly watched her work her way towards me. By the time she got within range and turned broadside I was well within legal time. A quick shot and she didn't go 10 yards.

Had a small 6 point at about 30 yards. He hung out behind this stuff then turned around and wandered back the way he came.

Watching the 6 point I had heard some movement back in this thicker stuff.

I got a quick glimpse of a bigger buck. He also wandered off the other direction. That was all the action for the evening.
Very windy this evening so I decided to sit on the ground at the edge of a bean field to start.


The wind died down a little bit around 5 30 so I decided to get into my stand about 100 yards into the timber. Still a little breazy and didn't see any deer. Just my luck I spooked a deer out of that same field when I walked out after dark.
Well I haven't been doing to much lately. After my muzzleloader season I got out for a few uneventful sits with the bow. Also went on 2 short pheasant hunts with a few shot opportunities but staring into the sun everytime I couldn't tell the difference between hens and roosters.
I've got the rest of this week off so heading to the cabin in the morning. Plan on scouting for a late muzzleloader doe hunt. Basically looking for the food sources. Finally supposed to get cold towards the end of the week. I think I ll throw in a spinning rod with some panther martin spinners and see if I can get a couple trout.
Made it out doing some scouting. Found a promising area for late muzzy season. Temps are going to drop after today but could use some snow. Talked to a guy ice fishing the marina in lansing. Had 3 inches of ice there. I decided to come home this morning with the high winds and storms tonight I didn't want to leave the wife by herself. I ll be heading back that way Friday afternoon for a weekend of ice fishing.
Well I was hoping to do a little pheasant hunting today but the wind is gusting up to 33 mph. Ended up running some errands this morning, and getting some ice fishing gear ready for the weekend. Also got some whitetail backstrap out for supper.
Yes I did.

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About 3 inches in the marina at lansing.
I was getting bites left an right but couldn't hook a fish if I was getting paid for it. After about 2 hours I finally got a 5 inch perch. I'm sure they were all small fish. Decided to call it a day.
I drove up past there and shore slough on Friday and it didn't look good. Glad you got out fishing and were safe! How deep was the water in the marina?
I drove up past there and shore slough on Friday and it didn't look good. Glad you got out fishing and were safe! How deep was the water in the marina?

I was on the second dock from the north side and had 5 ft of water. Talked to a guy on the farthest north dock and he said 3 ft.
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