Kenetrek Boots

My 2021 Iowa season

Nice haul ! What do you do with the big puffballs ? I have seen quite a few this year, including one the size of a beach ball!
Puff balls need to be perfect or they are not good table fair. If you slice it and it’s anything but white it won’t be very good IMO. Usually if they are beach ball size they are past their time.
Puff balls need to be perfect or they are not good table fair. If you slice it and it’s anything but white it won’t be very good IMO. Usually if they are beach ball size they are past their time.

Yeah I tossed the big one. It had a funky odor to it.
Put new straps on deer stands today and did some scouting.


Had a small saw in my backpack and when I reached in to grab something I caught my knuckle on it.
Had first aid kit in the pack so got a bandaid on it right away. The cut is on the knuckle but bled right through the band aid.


Pulling into the driveway I noticed a a snake crossing the road.


My wife was coming from the other direction back from the store so I tried to scare the snake off the road. Yeah he got pissed.


So we both pulled into the garage and I was showing her my finger as we were walking to the house and I was one step away from planting my foot on this guy.


Checking a stand and one property I didn't have my phone for a picture but I saw a monster deer track. I actually had to take a second look just to make sure of what I was looking at. I ll definitely be watching for that guy.
Bought dad a new double stand for Christmas last year. Heading out to the garage to put that together this afternoon. It's almost go time here in Iowa.
Archery opener is today. Was real hot and humid when I got off work so was having second thoughts about sitting in the stand this evening. After stopping at the grocery store storms moved in and it's raining off and on. Decided to wait until morning. But of course there's a chance of rain throughout the night and tomorrow so we'll see what happens.
Saturday was pretty damp with some drizzle so I decided to just get some work done at home.. Sunday morning the alarm went off early but the wife was snuggled up close. Lol so I decided to stay in bed for awhile. Met dad at one of our private properties around 2 to set up a new stand. Got that done in short order and ran back to the house for a snack and put the camo on. Property is only 2 miles from the house so no big deal. Back out with bow in hand and had a nice evening in the stand. Thought I heard movement a few times but still have alot of leaves on the trees. Didn't see any deer but had a coyote howling within about 200 yards I'm guessing about an hour before dark. I'm sure that didn't help things out. Working overtime this week so I will not be back out atleast until next weekend.
Saturday morning was the early muzzleloader opener.

Saw 3 does out of range and had a spiker right at the base of my stand. He got a pass.
Had this coon watching me for a bit.

Saturday evening I saw 5 does all out of range.
Sunday morning I watched a small buck for about 15 minutes working his way out into the field. I didn't have my range finder with me so I took a guess of about 100 yards. I think I guessed wrong because I had a clean miss.
Sunday evening I headed up to the cabin. Made it out on some public by Lansing Monday morning. I put a stalk on a decent buck but got busted by 2 other deer I didn't see. Of course they spooked the buck off.