Muzzleloader Scope

Leupold 3-9x40 ultimate slam has been good for me. Unfortunately no longer for sale thru Leupold. You'd have to find a used one somewhere.
I put a 2.5-12x56 SIG on my muzzleloader. Low enough magnification for the close shots with 12 power being more then enough for a muzzle loader range with a 56 bell to collect the light. I use it on a remington 700 uml with 200 grain powder charger with no ill effects to the scope. only comes in mil which I am more of a moa dial guy but learning the difference between mil and moa isnt a bad thing.
I have a cabelas shotgun scope on my TC impact. Son has a nikon muzzy scope on his Traditions online. Both have worked great. Got them sighted in 3 years ago and have not had touch them since.
I've used a couple less expensive scopes on my muzzle loaders. Didn't have any issue with them. I currently have Leupold VX-1s on them. They are not particularly hard on scopes, muzzleloader recoil is not that intense, IMO.
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