Kenetrek Boots

Muzzleloader Quick Loader Tubes



My Set-up

CVA V2 50 cal
460 Grain No Excuses Bullets (conicals)
80 Grains Blackhorn 209
CCI Magnum 209 Primers

Pretty much ready to head out to colorado in a few weeks but am trying to figure out what products work well in terms of "speed loaders". I see that there are several products out there that hold the bullet, the powder and the primer, some even help you load the bullet. Which product do you guys you when out in the field to carry your bullets, powder, primers, etc.? Which speed loaders do you think work the best? Thanks and best of luck to everyone!!
Speed loaders work better with pellets than loose powder. I just use a blackhorn 209 tube to keep my powder charges and load the bullets by themselves.
U can get cheap powder tubes just about anywhere. I have some that 1 side opens for loose powder. The other side opens separately & holds the bullet. I painted one side a different color for quick reference in the field. I shoot almost the exact same setup in my 50 cal except that my smokepole prefers Pyrodex P. I love NO EXCUSES bullets, cheap & shoot great. That guy taught me more talking on the phone for 10 mins than anything else. He customizes the bullets to your gun. He knows the exact specs of almost every smoke pole ever made. Best 2 things he taught me...#1 the bullet should go done the barrel w very little resistance. Otherwise u are shooting the wrong diameter bullets for your gun. Not all 50 cals have the same inside diameters. #2 less powder is better w these heavy conicals. I only shoot 85 grains. I tried 100 grains...after I picked myself up of the ground I discovered it shot worse groups w more powder. I can shoot 3 inch groups at 100 yds w a peep sight on a "Walmart special", $125 bp gun.
U can get cheap powder tubes just about anywhere. I have some that 1 side opens for loose powder. The other side opens separately & holds the bullet. I painted one side a different color for quick reference in the field. I shoot almost the exact same setup in my 50 cal except that my smokepole prefers Pyrodex P. I love NO EXCUSES bullets, cheap & shoot great. That guy taught me more talking on the phone for 10 mins than anything else. He customizes the bullets to your gun. He knows the exact specs of almost every smoke pole ever made. Best 2 things he taught me...#1 the bullet should go done the barrel w very little resistance. Otherwise u are shooting the wrong diameter bullets for your gun. Not all 50 cals have the same inside diameters. #2 less powder is better w these heavy conicals. I only shoot 85 grains. I tried 100 grains...after I picked myself up of the ground I discovered it shot worse groups w more powder. I can shoot 3 inch groups at 100 yds w a peep sight on a "Walmart special", $125 bp gun.

I had to laugh (my shoulder doesn't think it's funny though) when you said you had to pick yourself off the ground after using 100 grains. I know what you mean! Those mothers kick hard! I do like the bullets though and I have dug up several from the dirt pile behind my target and they retain their weight really well. Hope to see them in action in a few weeks!! :D
I got these from a place called "Lanes tubes".

110 BH 209 in the long one, a 250 T-EZ and 2 primers in the small one.
I tape them together and carry a few in my pocket.
Screw on cap, water tight.
Very fast reload.
I got these from a place called "Lanes tubes".

110 BH 209 in the long one, a 250 T-EZ and 2 primers in the small one.
I tape them together and carry a few in my pocket.
Screw on cap, water tight.
Very fast reload.

Excellent Idea!! I'll give this a try. Thanks for posting it. :cool:
+ 1 for lanes.

We're all set up as well. 2 doe tags for unit 84 this year. CVA Optima with 100gr blackhorn209, cci 209 mag primers and 300gr powerbelt aerolite. And for myself, 58cal cva hawken with 278gr round ball and 100gr goex 2f.

Now if only the deer show up, otherwise it will take a lot of grouse to equal a deer LOL.