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Muzzleloader bullet issue?


Oct 12, 2010
Harris MN
Was shooting tonight with buddy and going to CO in a week and a half and cannot get either of our guns to shoot consistently with No excuses bullets. 460 grain bullet with 100 grains of powder. Same as I shot 8 years ago but now I have a new Omega and buddy shoots an Oncore. Tried calling him but also want to know if anyone else has had issues or has a better bullet to try. They worked good in my old muzzleloader that’s why I bought them again but they jump all over the place in new gun. Can’t hit a ten inch circle at 50 with shots here and there. Need to get dialed in soon
I have used No Excuses with BH 209 in my Omega with good luck. If you can find the Federal Bor Lok or the more common Power Belts they could be worth a try. The only time I carried my muzzleloader for CO elk I didn't get a shot, but my friend made work for us with his Encore and the Power Belts he put through a nice bull.
Was shooting tonight with buddy and going to CO in a week and a half and cannot get either of our guns to shoot consistently with No excuses bullets. 460 grain bullet with 100 grains of powder. Same as I shot 8 years ago but now I have a new Omega and buddy shoots an Oncore. Tried calling him but also want to know if anyone else has had issues or has a better bullet to try. They worked good in my old muzzleloader that’s why I bought them again but they jump all over the place in new gun. Can’t hit a ten inch circle at 50 with shots here and there. Need to get dialed in soon
I don’t have a lot of experience with No Excuses bullets, but the 420 grain in my CVA shot much better when I started using either a wool or veggie wad between the powder and bullet. Groups shrunk from 6” to 3” at 100 yrds with the wad. Also, they shot best with lighter charges of powder, 75 grains by volume of blackthorn in my gun. The QLA on TC guns is also notorious for poor accuracy with conical bullets. As 270rem said, you may want to get some federal bor lok if you can find them.
Try the wad behind the bullet for sure. Cutting them out of egg cartons is enough to test them out. Alternatively drop the powder charge down to 60-70 gr and see if that helps. Even with a wad my groups open up a bit past 90 gr of T7 FFFg.

Depending on the diameter you ordered there is a chance they are sized too small for the bore too. I had a buddy try to shoot 0.503's out of a Traditions and they shot like garbage. When we cleaned the gun we were pulling out lead shavings which showed they were not snug enough to grab the rifling well in that gun. I have no idea if you can do anything about them if they are too small.

Dave should be able to give you some additional help too when you get a hold of him.
My cva shoots the 460’s really well with a felt wad and 70gr by volume of 209. Much past 80-85gr and the accuracy falls off.
My Omega shoots 250 TEZ's w/BH209 100 grn in real tight groups. Good to 200 so far.
Was shooting tonight with buddy and going to CO in a week and a half and cannot get either of our guns to shoot consistently with No excuses bullets. 460 grain bullet with 100 grains of powder. Same as I shot 8 years ago but now I have a new Omega and buddy shoots an Oncore. Tried calling him but also want to know if anyone else has had issues or has a better bullet to try. They worked good in my old muzzleloader that’s why I bought them again but they jump all over the place in new gun. Can’t hit a ten inch circle at 50 with shots here and there. Need to get dialed in soon
Thor bullets!
Federal BOR Locks - everything shoots them well, they are CO legal and you can get them in solid copper if you want. a 460gr is a long bullet you may not have the proper spin to stabilize it.

Also if you have to drop down to 60-70gr to get it to shoot, you are losing a lot of the terminal performance you were gaining by going with a 460gr. I'd rather have a 270gr solid copper bullet that stays together than a 460gr lead that may not.

With just a few days before the hunt you need something quick and easy. The BOR Locks are available everywhere and I'd bet you lunch they will pattern well enough to kill an elk.

Good luck! I leave at 6AM on 9/11 for CO muzzy as well!

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