
Muzzle break, do you cover while hunting??

Bought my first brake for my wife, quiet brake, It directs the noise out, not back. Wouldn't shoot at the range without protection, at our local range nobody can.
Put that brake on all my rifles.
Because it’s my civil duty and as representative of nature bringing bad thoughts to lite. Not bad people think if using brakes just ones with bad ideas. It’s about the wildlife man. They have ears too.

So start your own thread- I HATE MUZZLE BRAKES
And orate about your issue, don’t be a troll and crap on someone’s question that you have no interest in discussing.
Have some respect for the original poster. It is basic etiquette.
So start your own thread- I HATE MUZZLE BRAKES
And orate about your issue, don’t be a troll and crap on someone’s question that you have no interest in discussing.
Have some respect for the original poster. It is basic etiquette.
Be a tough guy and PM me directly. Not a single post EVER doesn't have peoples opinion. It what this is. My OP end up the same way. Trying to show some humor in on post is common. I didn't say anything disrespectful about the the OP. You need to loosen up a bit, relax. Mine wasn't disrespectful. Disrespectful would be telling you your a complete deuce bag for even sending this out, because didn't you just do what you claim I did?
Be a tough guy and PM me directly. Not a single post EVER doesn't have peoples opinion. It what this is. My OP end up the same way. Trying to show some humor in on post is common. I didn't say anything disrespectful about the the OP. You need to loosen up a bit, relax. Mine wasn't disrespectful. Disrespectful would be telling you your a complete deuce bag for even sending this out, because didn't you just do what you claim
I am sorry your feelings are hurt.

No tough guy, no name calling, no weird narcissistic personality disorder that makes the topic about me rather than the original question.

So I have always put tape on the end of the muzzle to protect from rain/derbies going down it. I now have a couple rifle that have threaded ends and have a couple muzzle breaks. My questions is if you tape a muzzle break does it affect accuracy??

Here is my example:

I have not found tape on the muzzle to effect accuracy.
I have also tested accuracy with taping a finger from a glove over a muzzle brake and have not seen any effect on group.

The brake shreds the glove finger and the tape holds it so it can be removed and disposed of properly. Not left in the forest.
I am sorry your feelings are hurt.

No tough guy, no name calling, no weird narcissistic personality disorder that makes the topic about me rather than the original question.

Here is my example:

I have not found tape on the muzzle to effect accuracy.
I have also tested accuracy with taping a finger from a glove over a muzzle brake and have not seen any effect on group.

The brake shreds the glove finger and the tape holds it so it can be removed and disposed of properly. Not left in the forest.
Haha. I will sign off this thread to help you out but just do know I have feelings. Impossible for them to get hurt. I am black and white and white no grey in my life. Therefore I only state provable facts. I could give a rats ass if someone uses a brake. They are a useless tool in the hunting world, which is what this website is about. Signing off to end everyone misery of our pissing match.
Brakes are great for the purpose hunting where you have time to protect up with stringed plugs and wait for perfect shot that you are ethically repeatably practiced at. I like a side discharge with adjustable ports for down pressure in prone with bipod an wedge bag. I normally reverse electrical tape first then flip. Leave tail to untape later.
I have seen no difference in groups at the range with untaped and electrical taped muzzle brakes.

I have read arguments about the pros and cons of muzzle brakes but the point about animals have ears also is a first.
Sits right up there with pumping your own gas is dangerous, better let a trained professional do it.
The purpose of taping a rifle's muzzle while hunting is top help prevent dirt, twigs, snow, etc from getting inside the barrel.

It has been proved many times that the tape is removed by the air pressure ahead of the bullet, and that accuracy is not affected.

Muzzle brake holes are just that, holes, and they also must be covered to keep the barrel free of debris.

Yes, I tape the muzzle of all of my rifle barrels and the brakes when hunting.
The purpose of taping a rifle's muzzle while hunting is top help prevent dirt, twigs, snow, etc from getting inside the barrel.

It has been proved many times that the tape is removed by the air pressure ahead of the bullet, and that accuracy is not affected.

Muzzle brake holes are just that, holes, and they also must be covered to keep the barrel free of debris.

Yes, I tape the muzzle of all of my rifle barrels and the brakes when hunting.
Same here. Electrical tape over the end, then wrap around the brake to cover the whole thing.

It all blows off before the projectile gets anywhere near the muzzle. I have personally tested this on every one of my hunting rifles that has a brake, and none experienced any change in accuracy or point of impact.
So, being ignorant of most things, how do break something inside a break ? Did you get a rock in there. Maybe you need it covered all the time? A one holer would be easier to protect? Just saying.
So, being ignorant of most things, how do break something inside a break ? Did you get a rock in there. Maybe you need it covered all the time? A one holer would be easier to protect? Just saying.
I had a muzzle brake break recently. One of the interior baffles fragmented. No obstructions, just came apart. I got it warrantied and the replacement was a new design, eliminating the piece that fragmented. So I’m guessing they’d had enough of them come apart to change the design.