Yeti GOBOX Collection

BoreSighting with Muzzle Break Installed


Active member
Feb 21, 2020
I didn't know where else to ask this question, so please forgive me if this is in the wrong forum. Anyway, I have a question regarding boresighting a rifle that I have. I have a Seekins PH2 in 300 PRC with an Area 419 Hellfire muzzle break, the muzzle break adds about 2" to the OAL. Anyway, my current boresighter is SiteLite SL-100, that works pretty good. But, I have never used it with a rifle that has a muzzle break like this. Do you think that it would still work with this muzzle break attached? And if not, what are some other suggestions that you have for boresighting that have worked for you? All info is appreciated, thanks!!
I'm not sure, but I'd say to keep it simple just take the brake off. Or scratch using the boresighter and do it the old fashion way of looking down the barrel. I do that at 25, to get close to bulls eye, then check everything at 100, then get my zero at 200.
I do the look-down-the-barrel method too and usually start at 100 without an issue.
Well, this seems like the main method for boresighting. I have never done it before, but I am going to give it a try on this one! Thank you all for the info, it is very helpful!!
After using various bore sighters (SL-100 and SL 300)I went back to looking down the barrel at a target 25 yards out. Its on the paper at 100 yards every time. If your using one I would probably take the break off If possible.
I haven't used a boresighter in over a decade.

I brought a large roll of freezer paper to the range instead and slapped a 1" dot on it at 50 yards. If your initial shot is off more than 16" at 50 yards I don't know what to tell you.
If you are using the "look through the barrel" method, you can get a little more precision if you put a deprimed case in the chamber. By looking through the flashhole, you get a more precise aiming point.
I use the look through the barrel all the time but this little improvement seems like it might be super helpful. Nice!
Can you not unscrew the muzzlebrake?

Good point and a note for @RugerHawg413 - you want to occasionally unscrew and clean that 419 brake and adapters or they get all gunked up with carbon and then dont play as nicely when you want to take it off. I have the same brake on my seekins 300wm. It works as advertised but is more complex than needed and I wouldn't buy again.
Good point and a note for @RugerHawg413 - you want to occasionally unscrew and clean that 419 brake and adapters or they get all gunked up with carbon and then dont play as nicely when you want to take it off. I have the same brake on my seekins 300wm. It works as advertised but is more complex than needed and I wouldn't buy again.
Thanks for the advice! I will be sure to clean it thoroughly.
I use the laser cartridge, not sure they have released on for the PRC but they serve double duty when setting up the chronograph. Haven’t had to replace a sunscreen since going to this method.
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