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Mullahs endorse Kerry

Gesse, its a story about how he can't back up what he said. The Mulahs need a Renaissance for Islam. I don't think they are educated people themselves, does anybody know? That's why they teach such primitive stuff, even in the USA muslim schools, for example.
Mars, obviously you must want a cracker.

Of the "foreign leaders support me" controversy, Kerry said this:
"I'm not making anything up at all," Kerry said in an interview, accusing Republicans of "trying to change the subject" from jobs, health care and other issues.,2933,114310,00.html

If Republicans are trying to change the subject from jobs, health care, and other issues, why did HE bring up his supposed foreign support? What does that have to do with jobs, health care, and other issues?

That link is from Fox News...Polly want a cracker!
Typical of any thing said of a Dem/Communist. Lets see all of Bushes credentials, clear down to his dental records, but don't look into any thing that I have done, "What I do is in the best interest for the country" really meaning what they do is for the best inerest of their own personal gains and politics is just a means for self riches!!!
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