Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Kerry White good for MT Sportsmen and Access?

I had a long discussion with KW about access in the Crazy Mountains. He told me about a lot of things that were in the works that sounded interesting. However, when I looked into them they weren't actually happening. He has an active imagination.
Weird how Kerry's org, Citizens for Balanced Use, who proclaims themselves as the premier access org in Montana, has nothing good to say about corner crossing.

Here's something someone told me: With the Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF beginning to officially engage in Travel Management, through that process, they invite counties to be collaborators - who if I understand correctly, if they choose to, can have an official role in providing input into crafting the alternatives that will be presented to the public.

Kerry White has been chosen to represent Beaverhead County in this process. If I lived in Beaverhead County, I'd be asking my commissioners why that is, given he doesn't even live in the county, and also given some of the things he has advocated for in the past.

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